After the first half of The Walking Dead season 3 left us breathless, we’re already looking ahead to the rest of the season, which begins in February. Here are five things we hope to see when The Walking Dead returns. Watch out for spoilers!

Who will make it out of season 3 alive? How much from the comics will make its way to the screen? These (and many more) are some of the questions we’re wondering now that the first half of The Walking Dead season 3 has wrapped. Here’s what we want to see when the AMC show returns later this winter.


1. Tyreese and Rick team up

In the comics, Rick’s group meets Tyreese pretty early on, and Tyreese pretty much becomes Rick’s second in command. Though the two haven’t met yet in the show, we hope that they have the same strong relationship when they finally do meet. Tyreese is already proving himself to be a levelheaded, intelligent leader.

We think that if Carl starts to trust Tyreese, Rick will be much more apt to take on this new little group into the prison’s community. We also would like to see the romance between Tyreese and Michonne, or even Tyreese and Carol (without the Michonne drama). However, we kind of think Michonne would make a better match with Daryl. At any rate, we want to see Tyreese end up being an important part of the prison group.


2. Daryl makes it out of Woodbury alive

We all love Daryl. How could you not? He’s probably one of the most honest characters on the show, and with all that interaction he had with baby Judith, we know that he’s quite kind. Dixon’s vixens went crazy for his big heart opening up like that.

There is no way anything can happen to Daryl, and if we have to choose a Dixon brother to survive, we definitely won’t be choosing Merle. Not that we want to see Merle die, necessarily, because we think that Daryl’s presence (and now the Governor’s betrayal) will force Merle to become a better person. We hope.

The preview for the second half of the season seems to hint that Daryl will be back at the prison (with Merle), and we’re holding out hope that he makes it back to his old group alive.


3. Andrea leaves the Governor

Please. Just make this happen now. Andrea has become one of the least likable characters on The Walking Dead, perhaps even less likable than the Governor because she just goes along with him. Even when her closest friend, Michonne, tried to tell her this guy is bad news, Andrea chose to think with something other than her head.

Apparently she just has terrible taste in men, and she lets it cloud her judgment. All we can say is, we hope she comes to her senses really soon.

Maybe seeing how the Governor treats Daryl, her old friend (who she almost shot at one point because she thought he was a walker), will help change her mind about Woodbury’s two-faced leader. Come on, girl.


4. Michonne proves herself to be a vital member of the prison group

Michonne is a huge asset to Rick and the others at the prison, they just haven’t figured that out yet because she’s so reserved. She comes off as cold and uncaring sometimes, but she’s just keeping to herself as a means of protection, and we hope to see her open up in the rest of season 3.

Michonne has seen that Rick’s group is honorable, and they can offer her friends as well as security. In the comics, Michonne isn’t quite so cold, but she does tend to keep to herself. If he knows what’s good for the group, Rick will eventually realize how strong Michonne really is, and just how vital she can be to their survival.


5. The prison defeats the Governor (without too many casualties)

We hope that the final battle between the prison and Woodbury won’t cause as many casualties as it did in the comics, but we do hope the prison is able to defeat the Governor when the two strongholds finally come to battle. Lori is already dead, but we hope to see Hershel, Tyreese, and Carol make it out of this season alive, even though they never make it past the prison in the comics.

Please let Tyreese make it out of the prison alive; we’ve only just met him!

Michonne mutilates the Governor in the comics (much worse than just losing an eye), so he’s pretty angry when he finally brings his troops to the prison and wreaks complete havoc. Maybe he won’t be quite so ruthless when it comes to the prison-Woodbury confrontation.

What do you want to see when ‘The Walking Dead’ returns?