Tonight’s new episode of The Walking Dead season 6 decided to give us a well-earned break from the terror and sadness. What we received in episode 10 was total and utter happiness (at least at one point).

The Walking Dead 6×10 “The Next World” kicked off with a time jump of at least a few weeks, and things are good! Carl is up and at ’em after getting his eye shot out. Boston’s “More Than a Feelin'” is playing at Casa Grimes. And Michonne is…. Michonne is…

Dating Rick?!?!?! Finally??

We’re led to think that Rick and Michonne are together based on the fact that the katana-wielder is walking around in a bathrobe in front of Rick and his son, but their high five would suggest things are more platonic than anything right now.

But any question about their interest in one another is sealed at the end of the episode when they sit on the couch together asking about each other’s days. And then, there’s hand-holding. And then, there’s a passionate kiss, some giggles, and some more passionate kissing. And freakin’ then, we cut to a shot of Rick and Michonne lying naked in bed post-coitus. (There’s someone’s in the room with them, but we’ll get to that later).

In light of the time jump, we have to wonder: Is this the first kiss? Based on Michonne’s facial expression when they started holding hands, it seems possible that this scene was the moment Richonne was born.

Searching for sorghum

Though it’s hard to think past the exciting Richonne developments, other things did happen this episode.

Daryl and Rick head out on a supply run with some requests from Denise and Eugene (items include pop soda and Sorghum produce). While at a farm they find a great truck full of supplies. Rick credits this find to the law of averages, which according to Google, is “the principle that supposes most future events are likely to balance any past deviation from a presumed average.”

And then we meet Jesus! No, not that Jesus. It’s Paul Monroe, a character straight out of the comics. Though initially suspicious of this guy (a casual viewer may’ve thought this was a wolf or one of Negan’s dudes), Rick gets a good feeling about him and starts to ask his signature three questions before Daryl stops him.

Unfortunately, the good vibes Rick was receiving were wrong about Not-Jesus Jesus. Jesus causes a distraction and steals their truck. Damn, doesn’t he remember the eighth commandment?

Though it’s not the smartest idea, Rick and Daryl chase after the truck and eventually catch up to him. Jesus tries to take them out with some serious physical fighting skills, but our boys eventually get a hold of the situation when they whip out their weaponry and tie him up.

“Today is still the day,” Rick reassures Daryl as they’re driving back to town. Yeah, things haven’t gone to total shit y— Oh wait, Jesus is on top of their truck. Those knots Rick tied weren’t very tight at all. In fact, you may’ve seen this “twist” coming when they didn’t cut back to Jesus after Daryl and Rick drove away.

Rick manages to throw Jesus off the truck and Daryl chases after him. But due to the law of averages, this second fight doesn’t go too well. While Jesus does save Daryl from a walker, they accidentally send the van into a nearby lake.

The Mombie

While Daryl and Rick are out on their supply run, Michonne is out on a mission of her own. She’s suspicious of Deanna’s son Spencer, who she spots taking a walk outside of Alexandria after his shift. She later sees that Carl is out in the woods too. “Why do these guys do that?” she wonders.

It takes a while, but this subplot is finally explained when we see that Deanna has been lurking as a walker in the woods, and Spencer and Carl have been tracking her. When Spencer and Michonne finally run into the former Alexandria leader, her son finally kills her once and for all. It’s a rough scene to watch.

Viewers last saw Deanna when she was killing walkers before she turned. This person on Twitter said it best:

The time jump was good for The Walking Dead. Rather than watching Rick reel and Alexandria rebuild, viewers were presented with positive clues about what lay ahead for the show. It was a fun (by zombie apocalypse standards) hour for the series. It was also nice to see the show focused on the core characters. We’d happily welcome more episodes like this one.