Still reeling after the last episode of The Vampire Diaries? So are the characters. See how Elena is reacting to the shocking death in a new extended promo and sneak peek.

Can you believe that the show killed off Jeremy? That is going to have serious repercussions for the remaining characters, especially for Elena, Bonnie and Matt.

In this extended promo released by The CW, poor Elena is shown reacting really badly to the news, and Stefan and Damon worry what will happen once the denial fades and she realises that her little brother isn’t going to come back:

There’s also a sneak peek featuring Bonnie and Shane, who are still on the island:

Bonnie wakes up in the woods, and her knife wound has been treated by Shane — who explains that Silas healed his broken leg. And he truly believes that everything will be all right. Then he breaks the terrible news to Bonnie, that Jeremy is dead, and we see the beginning of her reaction.

Everyone’s so worried about what will happen to Elena, but considering that Jeremy was beginning to work like Bonnie’s anchor, we think this might send her off the deep end! Watch out, Shane.

The Vampire Diaries returns Thursday at 8/7c on The CW.