The Vampire Diaries finale is getting closer, and now we’ve got the first still from the episode, as well as a spoiler about whether Klaus will make it to season 4, courtesy of TV Guide!

TV Guide has some great stuff for us this week. First there’s this intriguing picture of Damon and Rebekah (why are they on the same side against whatever has them so scared?):

Joseph Morgan has also spoken about Klaus’ future, and it’s not good news, guys:

My character definitely isn’t confirmed for season 4. There’s very much a threat he won’t make it to season 4 or even if he does make it to season 4 that it won’t be in the way you think. That’s a very real threat — I’m genuinely worried by it.

We’re worried too, aren’t we, guys?! Not just because of Klaus (as awesome as he is) but because as it currently stands, Klaus’ death also means the death of Tyler (but we’re betting, due to another spoiler, that they’ll find a way around that)!

Watch the complete interview with Morgan: