One of the biggest aspects about The Vampire Diaries is the romance, and now that the love triangle is gone we’re trying to find other relationships to ship. But this season things got a little weird.

Let’s face it, the entire premise of The Vampire Diaries was basically the love triangle between Elena, Stefan and Damon. Despite the series starting out with Elena and Stefan it’s migrated to Elena and Damon and then Elena and confusion, finally ending in Elena and Damon (ish).

With Elena gone this season, the show has found itself without a main couple to focus on. Yes, we’re trying to make sure Damon and Elena eventually get back together but Elena is going to be sleeping for the next 60 years, so that particular relationship can’t be the focus.

Naturally we have to focus on other relationships, like Stefan and Caroline, but those two just aren’t enough! After dealing with a love triangle for so long having just one couple’s relationship focused on the show is just too boring, so executive producer Julie Plec and company have decided to spice things up, and that’s where things get weird.

In one of the flash forwards to the future we noticed that Caroline was engaged, and in another a few episodes later we saw Tyler in a fancy suit talking about Caroline. Naturally we put two and two together and assumed that Caroline was marrying Tyler, which isn’t completely absurd since the two did date for a while. But then this past week’s episode aired and we find ourselves with the most ludicrous pairing we’ve ever seen: Caroline’s fiancé is none other than Alaric Saltzman.

Seriously, we’re so confused! In no world that we know of would Caroline and Alaric actually start dating — their personalities are so different and they’ve almost never really interacted one on one before, so you can excuse us for being skeptical about this one.

Even if we let that relationship slide, there’s still the questionable choice of pairing Bonnie with Enzo. That was another couple we saw in the flash forward that makes us scratch our heads. Enzo is a horrible person, always siding with Lily and never having really trusted anyone in The Vampire Diaries except himself, so to see him paired with Bonnie, who does everything sh can to save others, really confuses us.

Is it the fact that there’s no love triangle to focus on that these relationship suddenly got very weird? We’re not sure! But we’re hoping that these are not the end game pairs for The Vampire Diaries because if they are we kind of want to just stop now before that happens.

The show still has a couple more episodes before the fall break so hopefully we’re able to clear all this up by then. We’re hoping that by next season somehow the future will have been changed and Caroline isn’t actually holding Alaric’s babies and that Bonnie never looks at Enzo that way ever again. Until then, we’ll be putting all our energy into Damon and sleeping Elena.

Do you think the relationships on ‘The Vampire Diaries’ got weird?