The Vampire Diaries just ended its sixth season this past week and now fans are already inquiring about what’ll be happening for season 7. But should the next season be the show’s last?

I’ve been a fan of The Vampire Diaries for a few years now — first catching up when the show was on its fourth season. Throughout the past two seasons, I’ve still been in love with it despite everyone else saying the show needs to end, but now that Nina Dobrev has left, I think I’m starting to understand why.

Dobrev’s departure means a lot of things for the show, but most importantly it means that the entire premise has changed. The Vampire Diaries is no longer a show about a love triangle — which I am so, so happy about. It seems that after six seasons the show has found where it’s meant to be all along — a show about friendships and the craziness of being a vampire in Mystic Falls. Away with the stupid romances — save for Caroline and Stefan, of course.

And now that the show has found a place where it can thrive, I think it’s time to end on a good note. The season 6 finale showed us a glimpse of what’s up for Mystic Falls: A time jump and a town that’s been torn apart, reportedly by the heretics introduced this past season. Now I can definitely get behind that — but only for a season, no longer.

I don’t need two more seasons to find out how Damon and his friends are going to solve the problem the heretics and Kai bring. Twenty-three more episodes is the perfect amount to bring us the drama and tie up any and all loose ends the show has, which thankfully are only a few.

And since The Vampire Diaries and The Originals are going to be airing back-to-back this fall, it’s a perfect way to bring in any characters from Mystic Falls into New Orleans, should fans want to keep seeing them. I know a ton of people want Caroline to join Klaus and his family, but other characters can join in on the fun. Tyler, for instance, would be an interesting addition as long as his douchebaggery is kept to a minimum.

I can’t foresee The Vampire Diaries continuing onward past a seventh season, and I really hope Julie Plec and company take what they have and give it a good ending.

When do you think ‘The Vampire Diaries’ should end?