Time is finally up for Katherine Pierce and her crazy plan, and Bonnie learned an incredible secret. Check out our recap of The Vampire Diaries season 5, episode 16, “Gone Girl.”

He Knows that She Knows That They Know
-Nadia is looking for Katerina Petrova in 1560, and goes to a man to help find her.
-Turns out they’re old hallucinations/memories Nadia is having from the werewolf bite. Katherine is taking care of her in a warehouse.
-Nadia wants to know if Katherine asked Klaus for his blood, but she doesn’t want to do that. So Katherine called Wes. He says once he can study the werewolf venom and make an anti-dote. …should’ve been done with ROSE.
-Katherine promises she’s going to save Nadia’s life.
-Stefan told Damon about Katherine and Damon is upset, of course. But Stefan has a plan.
-Caroline tells everyone (Tyler, Jeremy, Bonnie, Matt) and they’re all upset. You mad, bros?
-They want to corner her, but Tyler tells them how he bit Nadia. So they decide to throw a surprise party for Bonnie’s birthday, which Elena HAS to go to. But Katherine/Elena says she can’t go.
-So Bonnie calls and asks Elena/Katherine to go to coffee, but Katherine also makes an excuse.
-Stefan feeds Damon 4 ounces of vampire blood to keep him going, barely. And Katherine calls Damon to meet up, and he says yes, come to the house.
-Katherine now knows they know.
-But Damon knows Katherine knows that they know!

Tricked Ya!
-Back in France in 1720, Nadia is searching for Katerina again in her memories/hallucinations.
-Katherine takes Nadia to a church to keep her safe.
-But Damon comes up with a clever idea to do a locator spell, again! So they find Liv to do the spell, and she’s all up on Jeremy. Down, girl! He’s taken!
-Tyler’s turn to babysit Damon, and Damon wants to know why Tyler is still in Mystic Falls. Damon starts antagonizing Tyler about Caroline sleeping with Klaus.
-But Tyler starts upsetting Damon, falling into Damon’s trap to get in the cell and feed on him. And Damon gets loose!

Damon Gets Surgical.
-Bonnie tries to help Liz, and she’s all flirty-flirty while trying to be all witchy-witchy. And Bonnie’s all, “bitchplz.”
-Liz manages to find out Katherine is at a church.
-Wes is finished with the antidote when Damon shows up and starts knifing out Wes’ eye! ARGH!
-Nadia starts remembering the night she slept with Rebekah and Matt, which is how she managed to find Katherine.
-Katherine finds Wes, who’s dead. And Stefan calls Katherine from Nadia’s phone. Stefan has Nadia, and tells Katherine she can run or see her daughter one last time before she dies. OYVEY.

Damon and Rose 2.0
-Matt comes to Nadia’s death bed and she asks for his forgiveness, which he gives.
-Guys, this is Rose all over again. #cruel
-Katherine shows up to see Nadia, because she doesn’t want to leave her again.
-Nadia starts not realizing who she’s talking to, and describes Katherine as a liar and as someone who betrays everyone. It’s absolutely heartbreaking.
-Katherine starts showing Nadia what her life should have been like, making up a story of how they lived in a cottage and how Nadia would tell her as a kid about her day.
-Seriously. Rose. All over. #DYING
-As she remembers that, Nadia dies in Katherine’s arms, and passes through the other side.
-Katherine says her “goodbyes” to everyone in typical Katherine fashion, and Stefan stabs her with the traveler knife.

Who IS it up to?!
-Jeremy says they were going to bury Nadia in the woods, but Matt says “Screw that,” and takes her body elsewhere.
-Stefan and Damon are waiting for Elena to wake up, and Stefan wants to know what Damon will do when Elena wakes up, and he wants to tell her everything he did.
-Tyler and Caroline talk about how Caroline sees the good in people, and she knows he’s talking about Klaus. Tyler’s bite killed Nadia, and Caroline slept with someone weeks ago and it’s not fair he gets away with it.
-Caroline says that she doesn’t need to be hearing about her mistakes all the time, she’s done feeling guilty. Tyler needs to get over it or get out of her life! HELL YEAH.
-Bonnie is at the church and lights a candle for her dad. Katherine sees her in the church, it’s her ghost. She’s dead. But before she goes she starts chatting with Bonnie.
-Katherine says she’s sick of Elena getting everything she wants. And Katherine reveals that Wes made the ripper virus more lethal to vampires.
-Katherine infected herself, aka Elena, with the Ripper virus.
-Elena wakes up, and she’s with Damon and Stefan and she’s okay! But she finds a syringe in her jacket.
-Katherine is ready to pass to the other side, but when she touches Bonnie nothing happens. She’s not passing through.
-Bonnie says it’s not up to her who goes through. Katherine says “Who is it up to?”
-There’s a giant wind storm, and it pushes Katherine down the aisles and through the doors and she gets lifted to the sky.

Next week on ‘The Vampire Diaries’