There has been quite a bit of speculation regarding all the new faces we have appearing in Mystic Falls this season on The Vampire Diaries. It seems one of them will be making quite an impression on Bonnie…

Thanks to, we get a very small Season 4 spoiler (more of a hint actually) about Bonnie and a mysterious new friend who seems to be having a serious influence on our resident witch.

When asked by twitter user @itsmrswesley if Stefan will be “putting a ring on Elena’s finger” this season, EOnline’s staff quickly dismiss any indication that Stefan will have any time to think about rings, and offer up a juicy tidbit about Bonnie instead:

He will be entirely too busy dealing with this situation to even think about locking down Elena. Or, to put it a better way, here is Kat Graham: “I think this is one of our biggest seasons so far. You’re going to see an interesting shift with Elena in the first few episodes,” she tells us. As for her own character? “Bonnie is going to meet somebody who is going to have a huge impact on her future,” Graham teases.

The “interesting shift with Elena” is pretty self explanatory, as transitioning from human to vampire will probably be at the forefront of Elena’s worries, but the bit about Bonnie has us dreaming up all kinds of possibilities.

Who is this mysterious character that will “have a huge impact on her future”? If we had to guess, we would definitely guess that this might have something to do with Professor Shane and the local college, but luckily there is less than a month until we get new episodes and can start unraveling all these clues.

Who do you think this mysterious friend of Bonnie’s is? Will he/she have an impact on anyone else’s life in Mystic Falls?