Paul Wesley has begun directing episode 18 of The Vampire Diaries season 5, and is the first actor on the show to do so.

Earlier this week, the first clapboard of Paul Wesley’s directing debut on The Vampire Diaries season 5 was snapped, and in their natural supportive form, the cast and crew tweeted their congratulations and support.

First is from Marguerite McIntyre, known better as Sheriff Forbes (and a valuable part of the writing staff for The Originals), and she comments that Paul seems to have a knack for his newest role behind the camera:

The second from the one and only Julie Plec was sent just before the camera rolled on his first shot. The show runner is always supportive of her cast, but it’s especially nice to see as Paul takes a new step in his career.

Caroline Dries, a significant member of the writing staff for The Vampire Diaries also got in her congratulations.

Lastly, a short note from another member of the writing staff, likening Paul’s directing prowess to that of his character’s penchant for bloodlust.

To which Paul Wesley replied:

It certainly sounds like Paul’s directing means great things for him, his character, and the show in general. We certainly cannot wait to see the as yet untitled 18th episode when it airs later this year.

Congratulations, Paul Wesley!