How does one kill an immortal siren? The Vampire Diaries season 8, episode 8, may have finally answered that.

Even though Sybil was literally heartless before the break, she was alive and well and up to her usual mayhem in this episode. Beautifully directed by Ian Somerhalder and aptly titled, “We Have History Together,” the episode dove in to a few centuries of Mystic Falls history.

‘The Vampire Diaries’ 8×08 recap

Salvatore and co. were scattered in The Vampire Diaries season 8, episode 8, with the Salvatore portion of the gang off on their mission for Cade. Damon’s been collecting souls for the devil for a while now, but Stefan’s new at the job. Luckily he’s had a few lifetimes worth of training for the type of work that’s required.

It was amazing to have the brothers together for so many scenes in this episode. It’s been a long time since they’ve really worked together in any capacity. They had such a fun banter between them and their relationship felt so brother-like! I’m so glad we got to see them play off each other like this in The Vampire Diaries season 8.

If I had one complaint about the Salvatore brother scenes in The Vampire Diaries season 8, episode 8, it’s that I wish this could’ve been the one episode where they were equals. For the entire series, one of them has almost always been trying to save the other, in some way. Either Stefan is good and Damon is bad, or Damon is in control and Stefan is out of control. There’s never really been a point where they were on an even playing field.

Now that they’re both on the same mission, and they both have their humanity off, this could’ve been that time! But, as usual when they’re both indulging, Damon has far more control. Why? Because of a little witch’s talisman in his pocket that was worn by one Elena Gilbert.

The status of Damon’s humanity has been in question for the entirety of The Vampire Diaries season 8, and this episode was no exception. Stefan has definitely gone full ripper, but Damon’s human side is still being triggered by thoughts of Elena. Even the near-doppelganger doctor got his emotions flowing! Hopefully he picked the necklace back up so he can remain steady for Stefan, now that he’s let go completely.

While Stefan was testing both the doctor and his brother, he also delivered one of the stand out lines of The Vampire Diaries season 8, episode 8. “How many times does Damon have to show us who he is before we actually believe him?” It’s a question that every character and fan has probably asked, at least once. Even though Stefan’s humanity is off, that line definitely revealed a deep truth within him that will hopefully come up again, later in the season.

In non-Salvatore-related news, Caroline and Matt were both confronted with their recent, and far less recent family histories, in this episode. Before that happened, though, Caroline revealed that Bonnie and Enzo actually went to Paris! I was so happy when I heard this because Bonnie deserves everything good in the whole damn world. That is all.

Caroline, and (by proxy) the viewers, found themselves back at Mystic Falls High School in The Vampire Diaries season 8, episode 8. Caro had planned to throw herself into her work to take her mind off of Stefan, but Sybil had a different distraction in mind.

We already knew that the tuning fork had the power to disrupt the psychic abilities of the sirens, but apparently it’s only one piece of a larger puzzle. Matt’s ancestor, whose skeleton was found in the tomb, created a bell that was supposed to work with the tuning fork and the Maxwell family heirloom. He was creating it for the 100 witches who were burned in 1790 in Mystic Falls, before he befriended Seline and Sybil.

This bell contraption is almost definitely a larger weapon that can kill the sirens, so both Sybil and Seline desperately want to get their hands on it! Since Sybil’s search died at the same place the Gilberts did (too soon?), she asked forced Caroline to help her.

Sybil’s mind reading and controlling talents have been a really fun addition to The Vampire Diaries season 8. These characters have known each other for so long that it’s nice to have someone shake things up by revealing their hidden thoughts to each other, and even themselves.

The hearts of all Steroline fans collectively swelled when Caroline said that Stefan was the man that she always loved, as all Klaroline fans muttered, “we’ll see about that.” No matter which camp you fall into it’s clear that Sybil’s remarks, and Stefan’s return to ripper-dom, are beginning to take a toll on Steroline’s engagement, as we knew would happen.

Although Caroline is right to consider that Stefan’s ripper tendencies could be a danger to her children, she should remember a few things before she dismisses him. First of all, every time he’s “fallen off the wagon” since she’s known him, it’s been related to helping someone he loves. Second of all, no matter how far gone he’s been, he’s never actually harmed her or their friends. Don’t count our boy out yet, Caro!

While Caroline confronted some difficult truths about her relationship, Matt discovered some interesting facts about his family. We’ve always known that the notorious “founding families” were a bit of a scam, but Peter revealed that Matt’s ancestors actually had a huge role in the founding of Mystic Falls.

It was interesting to explore Matt’s own feelings of inferiority, or at least other-ness, through the lens of his relationship with his estranged father. It’s cool that his ancestors are so connected to the siren storyline, but I’m also so excited to see if Matt finally finds his place within his town and his friend group in The Vampire Diaries season 8!

What did you think of ‘The Vampire Diaries’ 8×08?