On last night’s episode of The Vampire Diaries Lily sought revenge for Damon’s spontaneous actions and this time Caroline had to pay for it.

Season 7, episode 2 of The Vampire Diaries took place right after Damon killed one of Lily’s heretics, and we saw the consequences of his actions play out in ways we didn’t expect.

Last night’s episode had us split between two very different story arcs. While Damon, Caroline, Stefan, Bonnie and Matt had to deal with Lily’s wrath Alaric was up to something else entirely: Trying to get his wife brought back from the dead. Here are the biggest thing you’ll need to remember from the episode and why they might be important to remember later on in the season.

Lily’s wrath continues

We all knew that Lily was a formidable opponent when we met her in 1903, but combined with her heretics she’s completely unstoppable. In order to retaliate against Damon she not only kidnapped Caroline and had her heretics torture her in the old Salvatore mansion, she hid Elena’s body from him.

Cloaked in one of those annoying cloaking spells, Elena’s body is going to be impossible to find, so she made a deal with Damon: As long as he stays far, far away from Mystic Falls she’ll be safe until she wakes up in 60 years when Bonnie dies.

Meanwhile, as Bonnie was attempting to help Damon rescue Caroline (before their attempt failed miserably) she was seeing visions from the phoenix stone Alaric had — visions of people dying, lots of blood and a cross-shaped scar being chiseled into their skin.

Why it matters: You have to remember last week we saw glimpses of Damon in three years, laying asleep in his own coffin next to Elena’s waiting to wake up together. So clearly this plan of Lily’s isn’t going to work, and they’re going to end up together.

Additionally, we saw Stefan with the same scar on his chest that Bonnie saw being carved into people in her visions. Whatever Bonnie saw is going to be coming to Mystic Falls in the next three years, and we have a theory.

Alaric’s determination yields success

Despite being told to destroy the phoenix stone (capable of bringing back the dead) because of it’s insanely evil properties, Alaric kept the stone safe. He wants to use it to bring Jo back to life, but is wary of the consequences. At the end of the episode he finally tried out the stone on some random cadaver and realizes that it does actually work, but as soon as he lifted the stone the body went limp once again.

Why it matters: This particular arc, we feel, is going to last a little longer than Mama Salvatore’s. When we saw Damon and Stefan in the future three years from now Stefan had the same scar on his body that Bonnie saw, and they said something about the scar opening up once “she” got in town.

Our theory? That Alaric is going to raise Jo but instead of being the same Jo we all know and love, it’ll be a vampire hunter Jo, cursed to live out her life with murderous habits. But we’ll have to wait to see how the rest of the season plays out to see if this theory is true at all.

What did you think of ‘The Vampire Diaries’ season 7, episode 2?