With every major event on The Vampire Diaries comes a major catastrophe, and last night was no different!

Momma’s Out

Bonnie has been having weird dreams of Kai getting out and killing her, but apparently those were more premonitions than dreams. After she wakes up she heads to the Salvatore mansion to help with the wedding, and Enzo visits to give Lily an MP3 player but Bonnie won’t let him in. Bonnie is worried that there’s a loophole that means Lily’s friends and Kai would get out but Elena thinks everything is fine.

Bonnie tells Matt about her nightmares, and he shows her his vampire hunting tools. They want to knock Lily out and take her somewhere else but when they get to the cellar Lily isn’t there and they start choking and pass out.

Lily shows up to the bar where Enzo is and tells her today is the day she’s getting her family back. She and Enzo go to an address she was given where her companions would be, but they’re not there.

The Wedding

Jo is freaking out before the wedding – she’s missing her shoes and her wedding coordinator has the flu. But then Caroline steps in to be the coordinator, back from her momentary leave of absence. When she’s not coordinating things Caroline is apologizing to everyone in her life for her humanity-less ways and decides to avoid Stefan until she gets to everyone else first.

Caroline starts apologizing to Tyler, and Tyler starts apologizing to Liv, and basically the preparation for this wedding is just a whole bunch of people trying to apologize to each other after the drama of the season.

Then, later in the episode, Jo faints, but luckily it’s just because of stress and panic and not because of a supernatural thing. She gets better and heads to the wedding venue and sees her dad, who wants to walk her down the aisle.

Meanwhile, Caroline is unable to avoid Stefan for forever and they finally sit down and talk. She wants to be with Stefan but she knows that if she does she’ll lose control of her feelings, and control is all she has right now so she doesn’t want to give it up. They hold hands for a bit before Caroline walks away to get the wedding started.

The wedding starts and it’s adorable. Alaric gives his vows to Jo, but when she starts hers she gets stabbed in the back through her stomach by Kai, who was cloaked. He has a shit ton of power and he crashes the windows of the barn they’re in, and a chandelier falls and lands on Elena, and the episode ends.

The Choice

Stefan has kidnapped Damon to take him to suburbia, where he plans on convincing him that he would hate his human life. Stefan shows him all the paperwork and boring things he’ll have to do. He tells Damon that he isn’t going to be able to know where he is, because people are going to be on the hunt for the cure, so Stefan wouldn’t want to know in case people go after him to get to Elena and Damon.

Then Damon tells Stefan he’s already planned out their life and found an apartment over a bar that Damon wants to buy. Stefan calls Elena and tells her that Damon has planned everything out but then she tells him to be even more harsh. Stefan starts forcing images into Damon’s head that show just how unhappy their human lives will be in two years and in seven years, and ultimately when and if Elena dies before he does.

Stefan leaves Damon at the house to think about his options, and Damon comes back later to tell Elena that he definitely wants to take the cure with her because any chance at a perfect human life with her is better than the possibility they might not work out.

Next week we say goodbye to Elena on ‘The Vampire Diaries’