Doctor Who is a 50-year-old powerhouse institution. Where can a newbie start without weeks of commitment? Let us help.

Committing to a new series, especially a popular one can be daunting. You want to catch the wave of excitement, and watch in real time. The downside is that you don’t want to feel totally lost. Fortunately, it’s not necessary to watch 50 years worth of episodes to catch up on Doctor Who.

First off, though purists may disagree, you don’t need to know a thing about what happened prior to the reboot in 2005 to understand what is happening now. Additionally, no matter when you join in watching, the concept is a simple one. A Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey, the Doctor, travels all of time and space utilizing his space ship called the tardis. The tardis resembles a police box that was commonly used in the U.K. in the mid 20th century, only it’s much bigger on the inside. The Doctor gets lonely, and travels with human and non-human companions as he rights the wrongs of the universe. He stands up and says, “no” when no one else will. The Doctor is able to cheat death by regenerating into a new person every so often. He retains his memories, but every incarnation has a new personality.

Now obviously there is more to the series than the summary above, but honestly that’s all you really need to know to get you by. Since Peter Capaldi is a new Doctor, it’s the perfect time to jump right in as there is a lot that gets repeated whenever there is a new Doctor or companion. Trust us, start watching on August 23, there’s nothing holding you back.

If you still want to get your feet wet early, we’ve selected five episodes that give you insight into who the Doctor is, and what this series is all about. These episodes are all readily available on Netflix so it’s easy to see them.

The Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler vs.The Daleks

Season 1, episodes 12 and 13, a two-parter, entitled “Bad Wolf” and “The Parting of the Ways,” are a great place to get to know the Doctor. Not only do you see the Doctor go up against his major nemesis, the Daleks, but you also get to see some of the very best script writing the series offers. Rose Tyler explains very clearly why traveling with the Doctor is worth it, and the better life she’s been shown. You also get to experience a regeneration from the Ninth Doctor into the Tenth.

On page 2: Four more great ‘Doctor Who’ episodes

The Tenth Doctor and Donna Noble visit the library

Despite popular misconception, the Doctor and the companions aren’t always romantically attracted to each other. Donna Noble and the Doctor were always just really good friends. In season 4, episodes 8 and 9, two-parter, “Silence in the Library” and “Forest of the Damned,” you see them at their best in episodes written by the current showrunner, Steven Moffat. You also get to see the occasional traveling companion of the Doctor, River Song, make her debut. Bonus points if you spot a certain star of Once Upon a Time in a minor role.

The Tenth Doctor on his own on Mars

Occasionally, the Doctor travels solo, but he still has amazing adventures. In the episode “The Waters of Mars,” the Doctor meets some of his personal heroes of early space exploration. The thing is, since he knows their tragic end, can he resist meddling in what is a fixed point in time? What are the consequences if he does? If you are wondering what season this is, it isn’t. It was part of a series of one-off specials done in 2009. Chronologically it falls just before Matt Smith became the Doctor.

The Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond take up art

One of the most fun things the Doctor does from time-to-time is interact with well-known historical figures. One of the very best historicals was in season 5 when the Doctor and Amy Pond met Amy’s favorite artist, Vincent Van Gogh, in the episode “Vincent and the Doctor.” What effect do the Doctor and Amy have on the artist’s body of work?

The Eleventh Doctor and Clara travel to the past

Clara is an interesting companion because she’s encountered the Doctor over multiple time periods, one of which is the Victorian Era. In that era, the Doctor is also aided by the Paternoster Gang. The group is comprised of Madame Vastra (an alien with a lizard appearance), Jenny (her trusty assistant and wife), and Strax (their rather confused Sontaran butler). In the season 7 episode, “The Crimson Horror,” the Doctor and Clara have to solve a puzzle with their old friends. The first episode this season features the Paternoster Gang, so why not get to know them early?

Like we said at the beginning, really you can dive right in on August 23 whether you watch these episodes to not. So don’t worry and enjoy the Doctor!

Doctor Who airs on BBC America at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT

Who Week on Hypable: Find more great articles like this one at our ‘Doctor Who’ celebration