The Tomorrow People explored the ability for the advanced race to kill with Jason Dohring’s guest appearance in its fourth episode “Kill or Be Killed”. What follows is a recap so spoilers abound.

The Tomorrow People’s fourth episode “Kill or Be Killed” opened up to a flashback fifteen years ago with John (Luke Mitchell) stealing a car and being chased by the police, only to teleport away, returning to a foster home with food. John returns to his foster home, feeding the other children, only to find that his foster father is drunk. He contemplates killing him but is unable to do so due to the special gene that the Tomorrow People have. His foster father strikes him just in time for Jedikiah (Mark Pellegrino) to come knocking and save John.

Back in present day, Stephen (Robbie Amell) is training with Luke on how to teleport as Luke tries to get him to stop thinking in Ultra’s tools. Apparently John used to work at Ultra. After a long day of training, Robbie returns only to find that his mother knows about his lack of participation in film club, his deteriorating friendship with Astrid (Madeleine Mantock), and his after school job with Jedikiah. Stephen emphasizes the safety of his job and how he wants to find out more about his father.

John finds out that four cities have had serious explosions and suspects Killian McCrane (Jason Dohring) as does Ultra. Stephen is forced to ask Jedikiah to dinner who refuses and asks him to look into McCrane. McCrane apparently is one of the Tomorrow People, a former Ultra agent, and can kill.

Stephen barely rescues Jedikiah from a car bomb teleporting him out just in time. Looks like McCrane is back for revenge. McCrane was part of the Annex project that Ultra developed to turn the Tomorrow People into weapons and was the only agent that survived. McCrane is very dangerous according to John and is not worthy bringing in.

In a flashback viewers see Jedikiah pay off John’s foster father and communicate to John by letting him read his mind. Back in present day, John takes out his anger by working out shirtless. Cara (Peyton List) tries to get him to open up about his old friend McCrane.

Stephen and his new partner head to an abandoned warehouse to get McCrane with Stephen under the direct orders not to do anything. McCrane stuns his partner and demands to talk to John about unfinished business. He injures Stephen just as his partner teleports them back to Ultra headquarters.

After Stephen’s near-death experience, Jedikiah agrees to a family dinner and wants to make sure Stephen stay safe. John reveals to Stephen and Cara that McCrane and John were close and that John was in charge of bringing him in. Stephen’s new partner finds that McCrane broke into Ultra to find John’ file.

In a flashback viewers see McCrane and John fighting as they train. It is revealed that John was the youngest Ultra recruit and was told to tap into his anger. No wonder he likes to box.

John and Stephen go to the warehouse where John reveals that the violence turned him off to Ultra and he identified with Stephen’s father’s peaceful vision. Apparently the warehouse is next to the youth orchestra, making the duo suspect a planned bomb. In the clip already previewed by Hypable, McCrane spots the duo and promptly knocks Stephen out to talk to John. McCrane questions why John left Ultra and asks him to join in his revenge. John refuses the offer and McCrane promises devious results with the bomb set to go off in less than a minute.

John uses his powers to be in five places at once to disable the bomb while Stephen just cuts one cord. John wears himself off but saves the youth orchestra. Stephen leaves for his family dinner while we see a flashback of John fighting with his foster dad and losing until Jedikiah kills him. Jedikiah then warns him never to reveal his powers as he sets up a suicide scene, telling John, “kill or be killed”. This complicates their relationship.

Stephen’s brother asks Jedikiah the origin of his name while he is excused from the table. Stephen’s mother questions Jedikiah’s about Stephen’s role. His mother blames Jedikiah for Rodger’s deterioration and emphasizes her mistrust of him. Jedikiah asks Stephen to arrange a meeting between him and John as he wants to team up to hunt McCrane. Russell (Aaron Yoo) warns against the plan but John agrees, saying that Jedikiah is the closest thing he’s had to a father, despite his ways.

Jedikiah asks John to call a temporary ceasefire in order to get McCrane and avoid the exposure of the Tomorrow People. John asks for Ultra’s resources to go out on his own and find McCrane. Jedikiah calls him son and implores him to work together, with John’s refusal and correction of their relationship status.

John meets McCrane in a parking structure where John tells McCrane to get away. McCrane does not take lightly to the suggestion and begins to fight John. McCrane does not want to devolve and live underground. Meanwhile back at Ultra, Stephen learns that they are sending in a Kill squad and that John is the second target. Jedikiah does not express any remorse as Stephen tries to warn him using telepathy.

John teleports both him and McCrane away from Ultra’s bullets when McCrane accuses him of being jealous that he was given the power to kill. As McCrane monologues and is about to kill John, John shoots him. He reveals that he left Ultra as they turned him into McCrane. What do you think of the shocker that John can kill?

John buries McCrane and sends Stephen a message to tell him it’s over. Jedikiah reveals that the Tomorrow People are close to perfection and that he wants them on his side. John spins the story that he convinced McCrane to leave, leaving out the detail that McCrane has left this world, even to Cara.

Stephen admits that he respects John as a leader to which Cara jokingly asks if he’s developing a guy-crush on him. Stephen praises his mother over her treatment of Jedikiah and she hints that she’s more of mystery than he would suspect. Do you think she has powers as well?

John surprises Jedkikah in his car where Jedikiah reveals that he knows John killed McCrane. John has a theory that killing hurts a part of the soul and decides that the Tomorrow People will no longer run, but fight.

The Tomorrow People airs Wednesdays at 9 p.m. EST on the CW.

Photo Credit: The CW