Most hardcore fans of the Harry Potter series are excited to visit Warner Bros. Studio Tour London: The Making of Harry Potter when it opens in March. The Tour will take you through the actual sets used in the films, in the same town and location they were filmed!

But UK newspaper The Telegraph is arguing that, following their recent visit to the Tour, it made them realize it takes away from the film magic.

Here’s a particular highlight from their opinion piece:

The truth is, a decade after falling for this film set inside, stepping onto the painted plastic cobbles of the real set, there was one thought that kept surging through my mind. It was not strictly disappointment, after all I hadn’t been expecting Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes to hit my eye “like a firework display” – not even Warner Bros.’ insurance policy could cover that, even if they could recreate the book’s vision so thoroughly. No, it was more of a belittling feeling. Standing there, you are more aware than ever of the giant, endlessly frustrating caveat that exists between the imagination and the real world. I had never felt more anchored in the world of muggles in my life.

Do you think visiting the Studio Tour may take away from the magic you saw in the films? The Wizarding World park in Orlando is a good example of nice execution: When you walk in the land, it feels like you’re in the films. The Studio Tour? Not so much.

Visit the Studio Tour’s official website right here.