In the latest news on The Titans, the live action version of the The Teen Titans comics, TNT has decided which characters will appear in the pilot.

TNT’s live action Teen Titans series (which has changed its working title a few times) has always had Nightwing as the main character. What wasn’t clear was what other team members would be making the cut, as the lineup has varied in the comics history.

This morning it was revealed by Nerdist that Barbara Gordon, Hawk and Dove, Raven, and Starfire would be joining Nightwing. Notably, Beast Boy and Cyborg have been left out of the lineup.

New information reveals that in the series, Robin will be fresh off of leaving Batman behind. Located in Boston, Robin will be working as a detective. Eventually becoming Nightwing as he teams up with the other members of The Teen Titans.

Barbara Gordon will be appearing as a wheelchair-bound former heroine known as Batgirl. Now that she’s hung up her cape, Barbara will act as the team’s computer hacker.

Hawk and Dove are set to be the series’ romantic pairing. But they are also expected to have the biggest change in their physical appearance.

Raven, the daughter of the demon Trigon, will have to balance her powers as an empath and teleporter in order to keep her dark side under control. It’s unclear if she will be the one to bring the team together as she did in the comics. Raven will go by the name Rachel Roth as she did in Geoff Johns’ version of the Teen Titans.

Rounding out the team with a bit of royalty is alien princess Koriand’r (also known as Starfire) from planet Tamaran. It’s likely that some sort of love triangle will be present between Nightwing, Starfire, and Barbara Gordon.

Watch the announcement on Nerdist here:

What do you think about the new team for ‘The Teen Titans’ live action series on TNT?