It looks like it’s the week for supposedly dead people to be not so dead after all on The Secret Circle. Last night we had one surprise reappearance and now it looks like there’s another next week.

Once you combine the extended promo for next week’s episode 1×21 “Prom” with the two preview photos (huge break in pattern, The CW usually releases 13-15) some interesting items come to light.

In this first photo, the new actors are referred to as playing James and Amelia. It would seem that Cassie and Diana are seeing an event that happened in the school 16 years ago. Given the information revealed in last night’s episode, it seems likely that James is Adam’s grandfather who we learned was a history teacher at the high school. It also looks like he is clutching a crystal in his hand as he has an intense conversation with the teenage version of Amelia.

In this next picture Jake and Adam have kicked it into high gear. Considering Nick is apparently back in town, it seems odd that the circle would just go off to prom with no other cares in the world.

How do you feel about Nick being the traitor and brought back to life?