Fans of The Secret Circle have been doing everything possible to try and save their beloved show. They just pulled off an attention-getting stunt for the benefit of the ABC Family executives. Over 300 lbs. of plastic gold coins were delivered the to ABC Family offices in Burbank

Frequently campaigns like this never get off the ground, or fizzle out. This one is still going strong. When done well, fan-lead campaigns have proven successful. For example, Jericho extended its season with thousands of peanuts being sent to executives to catch their attention. What the group is trying to do now is to get another network to pick up the show. They are targeting ABC Family, MTV, and SyFy. Their most recent campaign is aimed at ABC Family.

In an interview on Chevronone, campaign spokesperson Abbey White spoke about the frustration of the antiquated Neilson ratings system.

The CW had a really huge ratings drop between last season and this season for all of its shows. But these ratings aren’t as honest as they could be. We want to highlight that maybe it’s time we consider a new system. I know that [CW President] Mark Pedowitz said that this was something that was important to him, especially headed into the new season. CW shows are teen oriented. You don’t have to watch TV on tap anymore. You have the internet. You can watch online, or on a mobile device or DVR. It’s no longer necessary to be in front of your television, but we don’t have a ratings system that properly catalogs all the ways that people are watching. It’s not benefiting the viewers and the fans, obviously, but it’s not benefiting Networks or advertisers either. We want to say hey, there’s a problem here and you need to address it – for everyone involved.

In the Chevronone interview, White goes on to state why the campaign is focusing their efforts on the three networks that they selected, and what their ultimate goals are. They vow not to quit until, “…the networks formally decline our offer or Andrew[executive producer Andrew Miller] let’s us know he doesn’t believe it can be brought back.”

Many of White’s contentions are echoed by data on TV By The Numbers.

You can get more information on exactly what is planned next at the Save the Circle website. They are also on Twitter @savethecircle

Are you interested in joining the campaign?