Last week on The Originals brought us Thanksgiving with the Mikaelsons, so we thought it would be fun to make a list of all the things the Mikaelson ‘Always and Forever’ crew has to be thankful for.

The Mikaelsons have more than enough to be thankful for. They may not have really gotten around to listing them in last week’s episode of The Originals season 3, but we thought it was important to reflect on all the things they should be grateful to have in their lives.

Here are five things we would feel lucky to have if we were them:

Hope Mikaelson

No one thought anybody considered a vampire could procreate. We’d heard Stefan and Rebekah talk about it endlessly on The Vampire Diaries, and we’d accepted it as fact. Enter the lone exception: Klaus Mikaelsson. Somehow, his hybrid status made his ability to create children magically restart. We know this for a fact since Hayley found herself pregnant with his baby and was subsequently hunted by pretty much everyone. Hope Mikaelsson was born and is the safest she’s ever been now. They might not be able to visit her unless Hayley and Jackson deem them worthy of entrance to their new loft, but at least they know she’s alive and well.


It seems unnecessary to have to mention, but the Original siblings should really be exceptionally thankful for their immortality. After all, they started out as mere mortals like the rest of us, but their parents decided they should be the poster children for a new supernatural creature, and ta da! vampires. They don’t have to worry about disease or disability, as they are not susceptible to either, especially thanks to the next item on our list…

Their special abilities

As we were saying above, their abilities are yet another thing for them to be thankful for. Exceptional hearing, super speed, and especially their healing. Vampire blood can heal any wound (Just not cancer. DON’T try to use it to cure cancer.) in minutes, and that ability has added to their immortality. Any human on earth would thank their lucky stars if they woke up one morning and discovered their blood could heal not only their wounds, but the wounds of anyone they love.

No more hateful parents

In The Originals seasons 1 and 2, the Mikaelsons had to worry about a couple of truly hateful parents. Esther wanted to wipe them off the face of the earth because of the abominations they had become, and Mikael just really wanted to kill Klaus for, you know, existing. Season 3 is a blissful paradise compared to the first two seasons. Not only did they finally manage to dispatch Esther and Mikael, but Dahlia, the vengeful sister aching to get her hands on the latest Mikaelson offspring, has also been defeated. That’s definitely something to be thankful for.

A long lost sister

Last, but certainly never least, the Mikaelson ‘Always and Forever’ crew should be happy and grateful that Freya has re-entered their lives. Thought dead, Freya had been trapped in a cycle of terror under Dahlia’s command. Only living for a single year every century, Freya could hardly dream of getting back into touch with her family. When Dahlia learned of Hope’s existence, it brought Freya back to their lives as well. Now that Dahlia is vanquished, Freya has rejoined the family fold and brings with her a lifetime’s worth of magical experience and abilities that are always useful in a supernatural community as fraught with conflict as New Orleans.

What do you think ‘The Originals’ should be thankful for?