The Originals season 3 finale did not disappoint. Find out who survived, who did not, and why deciding who fits into each of those categories is not as easy as it should be.

We now know that we have a long wait until we see the Mikaelsons again, so check out all the details of what happened in The Originals season 3, episode 22, “The Bloody Crown” and let us know what you think of the finale and The Originals’ move to mid-season next year.

With no further ado, here are the events of The Originals season 3, episode 22, “The Bloody Crown”:

Judge, jury, and executioner

The Originals season 3 finale is all about justice. Marcel wants justice for all the crimes the Mikaelsons have committed over the centuries. He doles out punishment quickly to Freya, Kol, and Elijah without considering for even a moment what consequence would best befit their crimes.

He delivers a fatal bite to Kol and Elijah for simply confronting him. Freya was dosed with a lethal poison which seems a little overdramatic considering she’s only been around a year or so. Rebekah has been cursed for a while, and they still haven’t found a cure that sticks for that one either. Marcel only stops to consider his actions when Rebekah argues that playing judge, jury, and executioner has never been his style. Marcel relents and allows Klaus to stand trial before his victims.

The Trial of Klaus Mikaelson

Marcel lists many of Klaus’ sins. He gives specific examples from people in the crowd who lost friends, loved ones, and/or entire villages to Klaus’ wrath. Klaus stands and smiles as they berate his character. He knows that ultimately, he has the upper hand when it comes to this argument.

Before he can rebut their accusations, Rebekah stands at his side to defend him. She reminds all those people that while they may have lost loved ones thanks to Klaus’ anger and desire for violence, he always did such things in service to his family. She reminds them that each of them would be willing to commit similar atrocities if the circumstances were reversed. They were mollified… for a moment.

After a moment of angry sentiment from Marcel following her full-throated defense of Klaus, the madness from Rebekah’s curse sets in, and she roasts Klaus hotter than anyone else could. She reminds them that no one, NO ONE has suffered more at Klaus’ hand than herself. She’s been daggered, watched many loves of her life die at his hand, been tortured, used as a pawn against him, and so, so many other atrocities. Rebekah has had it harder than pretty much anyone when it comes to Klaus.

Klaus knows that those words were more from the curse than anything else. Rebekah has suffered at his hand, yes, but she knows what he has sacrificed to keep his family alive. Klaus reminds the room at large that they are only alive due to his mercy. He gifted each and every one of them with immortality, and they should thank him. He also uses those specific examples that Marcel used to accuse him as a reminder that while they may have lost people, they were also freed from the responsibilities and baggage that they resented while alive.

The room quiets after Klaus’ reminder. Rebekah seems to get some control of her mind back, and sees that this is not going well. She screams that death is too simple a punishment for Klaus. That he must suffer. This is, of course, in keeping with Freya’s plan. If Klaus can stay alive, then she will use him to save Elijah, Kol, herself, and Rebekah. Marcel whips out Papa Tunde’s blade (which we haven’t seen in a while) and drives it into Klaus’ chest as he’s held aloft by the angry mob.

Klaus suffers so the Mikaelsons can survive

The secret to Freya’s plan to save them all? The same spell that Dahlia used to link herself to Freya. Made visual by a piece of parchment bearing each of their names and the blood of each infected Mikaelson, Freya does a spell to link all of them to Klaus’ life force. As long as he remains alive, all of the Mikaelsons will remain in stasis. Freya built a dream world for them to exist in for the meantime. Kol, Elijah, Rebekah, and herself all are together even though they are unconscious.

Hayley and her big rig

The episode ends with Hayley driving away with four caskets in the back of a moving van. She drives the Mikaelsons out of New Orleans, leaving Klaus behind to be bricked into a wall as he once did to Aurora. Freya knew that it would take years to find cures and treatments for the different ailments that threatened each of them, and she left Hayley with the daunting task of saving them all.

What did you think of ‘The Originals’ season 3 finale?