Friday’s mid-season premiere answered some questions and made us ask a ton of new ones, most importantly: can Cami and Klaus still find happiness?

Spoilers abound for the mid-season premiere of The Originals season 3. If you haven’t watched Friday’s episode yet, be sure to do so before reading any further. You have been warned.

So, Cami didn’t die, thanks in part to a totally twisted idea of Aurora’s. We discovered in The Originals season 3, episode 10, “A Ghost Along the Mississippi,” that Aurora had compelled Cami to drink a vial of Aurora’s blood and slit her own throat once she and Klaus had started caring for one another. That is exactly what we saw in the winter finale.

When Cami awoke, we knew she was going to be in transition, and that was not going to be an easy thing for her to deal with. We watched her struggle throughout the mid-season premiere between dying an honorable death as a human or becoming a vampire and hoping that she would remain more or less herself.

Does Klamille have a chance?

It’s quite possible that there’s still a very good chance for the two to find happiness in each other. Klaus may have some changes to get used to is all.

Camille has spent two and half seasons trying to understand Klaus and get to know him better. Now that she’s made the transition from human to vampire, it’s Klaus’ turn. They may have finally been at the point where they could start thinking about kisses and relationships, but now, Cami is becoming a different person.

If Klaus is smart, he’ll make sure to get to know Cami post-transition before he goes in for any extracurricular romantic activities.

We saw in the trailer that Cami is up to no good in the first days of her new life. While she is feeling better than ever before, she has also embraced the intensity of being a vampire. She clearly hasn’t yet mastered the art of ‘snatch, eat, erase’ that we’ve seen used many a time on both The Originals and The Vampire Diaries. Hopefully Klaus will successfully teach her the ways of discreet vampire feeding, but the Mikaelsons aren’t always the masters of subtlety.

Check out the promo for this week’s episode of The Originals season 3, entitled, “Wild at Heart” and let us know if you think Klamille still has a chance at happiness:

Do you still have hope for Klamille on ‘The Originals’?