There is certainly never a dull moment when the Mikaelsons are around, and The Originals season 2, episode 10 was no different.

Last night’s episode was a brilliant return for the vampire-family drama, so let’s just jump right into the details then, shall we?

‘The Originals’ season 2, episode 10, ‘Gonna Set Your Flag On Fire’ recap:

It is so nice to see Hayley holding baby Hope again. And as wonderful as it has always been to watch Elijah be the calm, collected one, seeing his resolve literally shake is a nice complication for his character. Oh, and Cami meeting Hope is an adorable little moment, even if it is only until she has to leave the safe house.

Okay, we are and will always be fans of Klaus and Kol keeping the peace. Watching them team up to annoy Finn/Vincent was adorable. Maybe that’s just the effect of the Joseph Morgan/Daniel Sharman combo, but it definitely works.

It looks like even before she’s the married leader of the clan, Hayley is trying to maneuver for peace. She invited a host of wolves and vampires to the Mikaelson compound to have a little chat. Marcel is there as well to barter for peace… and then Finn enters the fray.

Finn is no fan of the supernatural creatures, either wolves or vamps, so he magically binds them to the compound, forcing them to share a space, and he is undoubtedly hoping that they either kill each other or decide that hatred is the only emotion between them.

While Elijah and Cami hide out at the safe house waiting for Rebekah’s arrival (which might be a while), she indulges in a drink, and while Elijah is a little skeptical of her drinks and board games idea at first, he quickly gets on board when she asks him about Hayley.

A nice little bonding moment between Klaus and Hayley shows that Klaus knows exactly what Hayley and Elijah were up to the night before at the safe house. He seems happy to know that they gave into temptation, but when Hayley looks clearly torn up about her impending nuptials to Jackson, Klaus offers up some calming words about how difficult it can be to be the object of unrequited love.

Rebekah gets the low down on the witchy insane asylum from Cassie (who we are very happy to see again!), and after learning all about the origins of the house and a few of its residents, tells Cassie that they just need to send out a little signal.

Davina shows up to lend a helping witch hand to Kol in an attempt to break the boundary spell. After a failed attempt, they discover that he must be channeling something to keep such a strong spell active. A moment later, we find out that Finn is channeling Mikael’s power, as the patriarch lies unconscious on the floor in the middle of a chalk circle.

Elijah has discovered that Rebekah has not taken over the body they thought Kol had picked out for her, and as he calls to tell Klaus this news, Kol overhears, smirks, then tells Klaus that in order to distract Finn from his crusade, they might need to tell him where to find their mother.

Hayley wants to start this whole arranged marriage thing on the right foot, and an honest one at that, so she tells Jackson about her little dalliance with Elijah. He doesn’t take the news all that well. It must be hard to hear that your wife-to-be is in love with another, immortal, man. That has to be a gut-check to the ego.

Josh and Aiden get a chance to sneak away on the pretense of checking for a weak spot in the boundary spell, and Josh is eager to do a little kissing. When Aiden pulls away, Josh of the quick wit spouts, “Please tell me that I did not get murdered and come back from the dead just to get shoved back into the closet.” No, Josh, Aiden just has to out your relationship to his wolfpack, which will not be happy that you’re a vampire. It’s less a sexual preference thing, and more a supernatural creature prejudice thing.

Mid-convo, Josh starts to feel extreme thirst courtesy of Finn working some more witchy voo-doo. All the vampires are feeling the burn, and it doesn’t look good for the wolves. Kol wants to use a destruction spell, which will neutralize all magical objects so they can escape, but that includes the daylight rings, and in the middle of the day, the vampires will burn in the sun.

Rebekah continues to try and find some way out of the witch asylum, but the only being she has managed to contact is a ghost-girl in all black.

In an effort to procure peace, Klaus tells Finn where to find their mother. Finn finds out that she chose to turn vampire rather than die, and he is beyond furious with her.

A quick altercation in the Mikaelson homestead leads to quite the brawl, and Aiden finds his arm cut, basically serving him up as a vampire main course. Josh jumps to protect his man, but soon finds the temptation VERY difficult to fight. Klaus interrupts and saves the day. Kol and Davina do the destruction spell and pull the boundaries down long enough for the wolves to escape, but when Kol tries to join them, Klaus shoves him back into the room, trapping his very human self with the very hungry vamps. Klaus demands to know where Rebekah is. Kol tells him that she’s safe, and that it was just a prank, but the damage is done, and he is stuck with a hoard of thirsty blood-drinkers. Davina appeals to Marcel to protect him, and he tells Kol to make himself scarce.

Jackson, in an attempt to make a few things right with Hayley, presents her with an engagement ring and tells her all about how he has always loved her, but that he will not require her to love him back, even once they’re married.

Rebekah surrendered herself to the controlling faction at the witch asylum, and as they put her to bed, the tiles on the floor which she had been using to communicate with the ghost-girl before shift to reveal the girl’s name… Freya.

What did you think of tonight’s episode of ‘The Originals’?