The Originals season 1, episode 8 “The River in Reverse” just aired, and we’re still reeling! Check out our recap of the latest episode, brought to you with extra sass!

Forgive her, Father, for Rebekah has sinned. A LOT.
-Episode starts with Rebekah overlooking a bridge, thinking about how she shouldn’t have come back.
-She’s confessing to the priest about how she’s a liar and betrayer! Aw.
-24 hours earlier…
-She talks with Klaus about how she doesn’t want to end up on the wrong side of his teeth like Elijah. Klaus says he always prefers to dagger her. He’s twisted. In the worst way.
-Haley is taking care of Elijah, who’s nursing his werewolf bite. She doesn’t want to leave him.
-There’s a girl stalking their cabin with the same birthmark as Haley! Aww!
-Marcel is gathering a team for battle, and Tyler is telling everyone about his plans.
-Rebekah storms in on their little pep talk. YOU GO GIRL.
-Marcel tells the group that Rebekah is here to help them.
-Then Rebekah snaps Tyler’s neck! DAYUM. She doesn’t want anyone to hurt the baby, it’s Klaus they need to focus on.

Sexy Celeste & Super Sexy JOSH
-Cami is writing on a typewriter while Klaus is venting. Kinda like an old couple. Aw!
-She’s transcribing his monologue. Klaus is SO weird.
-Klaus compels Cami because she needs her opinions and compels her to forget because he doesn’t trust her.
-We need to get Cami outta Klaus’s control, guys. HOW RUDE.
-Marcel and Rebekah plan on burying Klaus in the back of the Garden so he can’t talk to anyone. How appropriate.
-Marcel doesn’t want to use Davina, and Rebekah conveniently doesn’t mention how Davina is on her side anyway.
-Elijah is hallucinating about an old lov er, Celeste.
-But when he comes back to it, he notices they’re being watched and Haley sees a blonde girl running away.
-AW JOSH IS BACK. HI BBY. But Klaus wants to get him to do steal a dagger for him. Ugh go away.
-Marcel tells Josh to tell Klaus that he has the dagger on him and he’ll have to get to Marcel himself to get it.

Vampires are like dogs.
-Klaus visits the priest at the church, to talk about Cami. He doesn’t want Cami to dig too deep into the situation and get killed. Awww.
-Klaus wants Cami to leave, but on her terms. So he has a little bit of a heart…kinda. He wants the priest to convince her to walk away, otherwise he’ll be forced to compel her to go. Okay so less of a heart.
-In a flashback, Elijah chats with a naked Celeste in a bathtub about how Klaus is doing something stupid (again) and how he needs discipline.
-Elijah wants Haley to track down the girl and find out what she can bout her family, but she wants to say. TWUE WUV.
-Marcel and Klaus meet up, and Rebekah shows Klaus that she’s with Marcel. She’s had enough of Klaus.
-Marcel whistles and brings out all the vampires set to stop Klaus. Aw, they’re like evil vampire dogs.
-He whistles and more dogs vampires come out. DAYUM. Good luck, Klaus!

Don’t mess with THIS hybrid!
-In another flashback, Klaus duels with random men and killing a bunch of them. Elijah tries to stop them, as per usual.
-Klaus is pointing all the deaths at the witches, which are being rounded up in the town as they speak. And Celeste is one of those witches! OH NO.
-Klaus kills ALL the lovers.
-In a state of dismay, Elijah almost kills Haley but she’s saved by her relative blondie chick. Yay!
-Klaus tries to convince all the vampires to not attack him but leave Marcel instead. …nice try.
-No one takes the bait. GOOD.
-A couple of vampires attack Klaus and he’s like PSH NO PROBLEM. But then they ALL attack him and it’s like…dayum, boy, you got pwned.
-Then Klaus goes all Hybrid on them, and Rebekah gets scared and drops the dagger that she was going to use to stop him.
-Rebekah convinces Marcel to grab the coin and pledge allegiance to Klaus to keep Klaus from killing him. Marcel accepts and gives Klaus New Orleans

Werehumans, not werewolves.
-Cami is at the cemetery trying wipe off the graffiti from her brother’s grave. She and the priest keep cleaning it but it keeps coming back. :(
-The priest tries to convince Cami to leave town, but she doesn’t want to. She found the “tattoo design” she drew at Klaus’s place which was actually a secret code between her and her brother. But she doesn’t remember drawing it.
-The blonde girl who stalked Haley is Eve. She tells about how Marcel attacked all the werewolves and had a witch put a spell on her family. The werewolves now are wolves in natural state and turn human on the full moon, and the birthmark on her back is like a calling sign and anyone with it gets killed. Dayum.
-Elijah is magically better from that bite. Wat.
-Marcel wants to burn and pay respects to the dead. While doing do he makes it clear that even though Klaus has New Orleans he won’t get loyalty. It comes out of love and respect from the people who believe in you, and it’s something Klaus will never know. DAMN RIGHT.

Klaus, bby, don’t cry. AGAIN.
-Haley wants to know what happened to Celeste, Elijah shows her in a flashback. She was drowned in that same tub he last chatted with her in.
-Elijah refuses to give up on Klaus, and will always try to fix him. He has all eternity to do so, anyway. Awww.
-Klaus has the dagger now. SHITE. Rebekah asks who will be punished this time, and he attacks her and threatens her.
-Klaus doesn’t like that Haley has grown on to Elijah, and is scared his son will call Elijah father and not him.
-In the one moment where Elijah and Rebekah could’ve stood with Klaus and believed his intentions with his child are pure, they didn’t. And it hurts Klaus so much. Aw bby you have me tearing up for you. :(
-Klaus gives Elijah the dagger, and will move to New Orleans since he owns it now, and his siblings will stay at the house. He wants Haley to come with, and she does.
-Cami figured out that she left herself a message, and finally figured out that she knows men from 1919. OHSNAP.

Watch a preview for next week’s ‘The Originals’