Known to many as the feisty Rebekah Mikaelson on The Vampire Diaries and The Originals, Claire Holt has just nabbed a new regular gig on NBC’s Aquarius.

Last spring, Rebekah Mikaelson left New Orleans behind on The Originals and hit the open road in search of a new, Klaus-free lifestyle. She returned for a rather quick moment in the finale to retrieve baby Hope and leave town again, and we all began wondering just how long Rebekah (and Claire Holt) would be gone from New Orleans…

Well, it seems it may be a bit longer. While we saw her in The Originals’ season 2 trailer last week at Comic Con telling baby Hope a tale all about her family, we were still left wondering if she would be returning as a regular in season 2.

Julie Plec calmed some of our fears at Comic Con as she said they would be happy to have Rebekah on as much as possible, based on Holt’s schedule, but we knew something didn’t seem quite right.

We, now, know why. Claire Holt has landed a role on NBC’s new drama Aquarius (per Eonline), as Officer Chairmain Tully, a young female cop that is trying to be taken seriously. Aquarius is the story of Sam Hodiak (played by David Duchovny) and his undercover quest to track down Charles Manson (Gethin Anthony) and his followers.

While this will undoubtedly keep Holt from regularly appearing on The Originals, there is still hope that Rebekah will appear from time to time, after all, she is caring for baby Hope, and we have certainly not seen the last of either of them.