Funerals abound in the Quarter as The Originals mourns it’s losses, and Marcel makes a life-changing decision.

Vincent dangled a very tempting carrot in front of Marcel’s face at the end of The Originals season 3, episode 20, “Where Nothing Stays Buried.” The big question lingered unanswered for The Originals season 3, episode 21, “Give ’em Hell Kid,” to answer.

This episode is all about Marcel. What will happen if he does take the serum, Klaus trying desperately to convince Marcel not to take the serum, and what they can do to stop Marcel if he does take the serum. Oh, and Vincent goes nuclear… kind of literally. Let’s get into it.

Visions, and prophecies, and serums, Oh my!

With Lucien disposed of, Freya is now channeling the spirit of the oracle that Lucien used to learn the prophecy against the Mikaelsons earlier this season. She needs to know what the state of the prophecy is now, and what is coming, so she can be a step ahead for once, rather than always reacting to whatever is thrown at them. However, in doing so, she and Elijah see Marcel becoming the very beast that Lucien had become, and that he’s capable of fulfilling every piece of the prophecy foretold.

Understandably concerned, Elijah and Freya switch into panic mode. How can they stop Marcel from becoming the one thing that can and will take them down? First they need to locate Klaus and Marcel, then see where to go from there. Elijah finds both men on a bridge outside of town. Klaus has been trying to convince Marcel that he is, has always been, and always will be a part of their family. Marcel is not having it. He knows that he is a second class citizen when it comes to the Mikaelson hierarchy, and parries every attack Klaus thrusts his way. Marcel is grieving the loss of his own family in Davina, and there’s no way he can see them as anything other than the monsters who took her from him.

Elijah is watching all of this, much of it colored by the vision he and Freya had just seen. As Marcel and Klaus are mid-shout, Elijah sees the horrors unfolding, and acts on his instincts. He rips Marcel’s heart out of his back, and sends Marcel’s limp body careening over the side of the bridge. There was no other way out of this mess as far as Elijah is concerned. He knew that if Marcel drank the serum and became the beast, that each and every member of the Mikaelson family would be killed. He did what he thought was necessary.

No matter how upset Klaus is about Elijah’s action, no one is more affected than Elijah himself. We see him collapse to his knees in pain as he begs Hayley for her forgiveness. He truly believed it was the only way to keep the prophecy from coming true, and he did what he thought was necessary. She not only finds it in herself to forgive him, but she reminds Klaus that Elijah has pardoned offense after offense that Klaus has committed in the centuries they’ve been alive. He owes Elijah this one. Klaus wasn’t the only one to see Cami’s influence shining out of Hayley. She may not be alive and kicking anymore, but Cami O’Connell will never be truly gone.

Taking the fight to the ancestors

Vincent is ready to take the war to the ancestors, and recruits Detective Kinney (yeah, he’s still around) to help. Vincent fetches what is basically a magical nuke that, when set off in the ancestors’ realm, will sever their hold over the living, breathing New Orleans. (Just note that the bomb was created by his crazy wife, AKA Eva Sinclair.) Using Josh (he’s still around too!!) as an anchor, Vincent and Kol cross over to the the ancestors’ realm to set off the bomb and say goodbye to Davina, whose soul Kol is sure is still intact.

Davina says her goodbyes to Vincent and Kol, and sends them back to the land of the living. She then detonates the weapon, and does the deed. The ancestors no longer have influence over New Orleans, and it seems that Davina is forever trapped on the ancestors’ side.

A quick shipping report

While everything is truly in turmoil, there’s always a moment for romance, right? In this episode we got a pair of lovely moments between Kol and Davina, and Hayley and Elijah. Kol and Davina didn’t think they were going to get another chance to say goodbye, but when Kol feels Davina reaching out to him, he insists on joining Vincent in his plan, giving him one last chance to say goodbye.

After Elijah’s actions in this episode, he needs to know that someone still is on his side and cares. When he sees that Hayley not only understands what Elijah did, but cosigns it, he can’t help himself. The two share a lovely little kiss that just reminds us of how connected the two have always been.

Bad news for the Mikaelsons

Elijah may have been doing what he thought was necessary, but ultimately, he is the architect of the Mikaelsons destruction. You see, Marcel didn’t hesitate to drink the serum the moment Vincent offered it to him. He carried around the bottle, letting everyone assume he hadn’t imbibed it yet, but he had already made the decision. By killing Marcel, Elijah completed the ritual, and Marcel is now exactly the beast they were trying to avoid.

Will the Mikaelsons live to see another day?

Tune in next week for all the answers in ‘The Originals’ season 3 finale!