The Night Shift season 1 finale was full of intense moments and heartbreaking scenes. Check out our recap and share your thoughts on “Save Me.”

The episode opens right where last week’s left off Topher being shot and Dwayne being dead. As Ragosa looked on the scene is emotion matched our feelings, not Dwayne! TC and Jordan work on Topher who is in bad shape. Ragosa pulls Jordan to work on the gunman who TC beat up which seems like an unethical choice and later causes some serious issues. While the ER staff is worried about Topher there are burn victims to care for as well.

TC and Scott operate on Topher and during surgery TC begins to have flashbacks to the day his brother died. Topher comes through surgery and he and TC share a moment. Topher tells TC that the flash bangs reminded him of Afghanistan. TC admits to thinking about the day his brother died and Topher becomes very concerned. Before Topher can talk to him TC runs off to jump into the next emergency.

Jordan checks on Milo, the gunman. She refuses to give him pain meds, he deserves to suffer for what he did. The officer watching him insists he will be testifying against several drug lords and needs to be kept safe. Jordan does the surgery herself in the ER rather than calling the already busy OR.

There is another explosion at the factory and TC demands to go on site, insisting he is fine. Jordan realizes something isn’t right and sends Drew to go with him. Scott checks on Jordan and wants her to go home. She refuses and continues to work on those in need. Scott is less than impressed with Jordan’s concern for TC.

TC and Drew go to the factory to assist with more victims. TC has another flashback and he is having more trouble keeping it together. During the rescue at the factory TC acts reckless but manages to save the victim. On the ride back to the hospital TC gets stuck in a flashback about his brother. He seems to not have answered his brother’s question. The flashbacks are interfering with his work and Drew is worried.

Jordan talks with Landry about the shooting. She now has a better understanding of what TC went through after the war. This conversation hints that Jordan still has some serious feelings for TC. She is then called to Milo’s room because he is crashing. Scott is there working on him but has to call it. The officer is angry that Milo is dead and without thinking Scott begins to complain about the treatment of Milo. This puts Jordan in a bad situation. By the end of the episode the officer is out to get Jordan and next season could very well see in her serious trouble with the law.

When Drew returns from the factory with TC he immediately goes to Jordan. She seeks TC out knowing he isn’t well. When she tries to talk to him he has difficulty stepping away from the patient he is working on. He decides to go see Topher but has a breakdown in the bathroom first.

Paul works with Topher during his post op. At first Topher tries to boss Paul around but eventually Paul stands up for himself. Paul is the best at being the brunt of a joke, his character definitely gets picked on by everyone but he takes it in stride. The two joke around but something is wrong and Topher is headed back to surgery. TC tries to help but looses it, the flashbacks consume him and he is lead away in cuffs. Scott demands that Jordan help her and complains about TC. Once again Scott proves why he is not likable. Does he seriously think talking bad about TC, who is in crisis, is a good idea?

After surgery Topher is going to be okay, thank goodness because losing him would have ruined everything! Jordan goes to find TC and he admits to her why he has been having the flashbacks. He admits that he hesitated when they were out on the mission and that is why Thad was killed. This admission takes everything out of TC and Jordan comforts him just as Scott is standing outside the door. Maybe he will take the hint?

The episode ends with Ragosa finding out he has a tumor behind his eye and that surgery isn’t likely. Landry tries to comfort him but all the happiness Ragosa has been exuding fades as this new challenge faces him.

What will next season bring? Waiting until next summer seems painful but it is safe to say Jordan is going to be in serious trouble with the law, TC may be in counseling and the two of them might just be together. As for Ragosa, his journey seems far over and hopefully something can be done.

What did you think of the season 1 finale of ‘The Night Shift’ and what do you want to happen next season?