Exciting news for The Mortal Instruments fans! The screenwriter on the project, Marlene King, has spoken up a bit about the process of adapting Cassandra Clare’s bestselling first installment to the series, City of Bones.

Speaking to MTV, King first explained how she became involved with the project.

“I had worked with one of the producers of the movie several years ago, and I did something that was action-oriented for that company, and he just thought of me right away. It’s teen girl sensibilities but with all this great action and mythology. I read the first few books, and I was immediately throw into this world.”

Next, she explained where she’s at in the screenwriting process for City of Bones.

“I’m rewriting a script that they had—Sony is now involved with the movie so there was already a script and now I’m rewriting it, and I’m hoping to turn it into the studio in the next couple of weeks. Knock on wood they love it and the movie gets a fresh breath of life very soon.”

She also touched on which scene was her favorite to adapt.

“Well, I just worked on the weekend, from the first book, the Jace-and-Clary-in-the-greenhouse scene.”

Read the full interview here.

Good to hear things are moving along nicely, right? What scene(s) are you hoping Marlene King leaves unchanged?