Mindy runs around telling little white lies tonight on The Mindy Project season 3, episode 5, “The Devil Wears Lands’ End.” Check out our recap!

Sometimes, people lie. They fib and they circle around the truth because it can seem easier in the moment to get out of a ticket or to excuse their tardiness for meetings. Other times, your name is Mindy Lahiri and lying just sends you down a slippery slope and you end up with a bottle of red wine on your sweater by the end of the night.

Niecy Nash guest stars on tonight’s episode as Dr. Jean Fishman, and Shonda Rhimes makes an all-too-brief cameo as herself on tonight’s episode of The Mindy Project.

After arriving late to a meeting at the hospital Shulman & Associates does rotations at, Mindy attempts to suck up to Dr. Fishman. When she brings a cactus to apologize for disrupting the meeting and thereby getting her team stuck with the graveyard shift, she instead agrees to take the doctor out for a night on the town.

They go out dancing and have an enjoyable evening, but then when they say goodbye, Jean goes in for the kiss and Mindy seems very startled, but doesn’t really do anything to rebuff her advance.

Instead of clearing things up with Jean – Mindy is straight, she didn’t know Jean was a lesbian – she just continues to dodge telling the truth. When Danny forces Mindy to admit to Jean that she is straight and apologizes for the misunderstanding, they realize Jean is actually married and her partner, Deborah (Julie Goldman), is upset to learn she kissed Mindy.

Mindy continues to lie, saying Danny is so upset about her kiss with Jean that he’s suicidal. Instead of jeopardizing Shulman & Associates’ relationship with the hospital, Danny plays along to help Mindy out of the situation and it seems as though all’s well that ends well.

Discuss: Who is in the wrong? Should Danny have forced Mindy to tell the truth? Or should Mindy have told the truth in the first place? Lying won’t get you far in life, folks. And if you’re Mindy, lying gets you stuck with making dinner for Danny every night for a month and waking him up in special ways.

In an effort to really bury the hatchet, Jeremy convinces Peter to let him be his beer pong partner for Peter’s Dartmouth alumni party. As they navigate the party, Peter runs into numerous old students. Props to Ed Weeks for a great American accent, but it once again reiterates the theme of little white lies in “The Devil Wears Lands’ End.”

It comes down to Peter “Lefty” Prentice and Shonda Rhimes. When they begin discussing Lauren, the attendees tease Lefty about the fact that yet another woman ‘left’ him. Jeremy, seeing the hurt on his friend’s face, pulls through and wins the tournament, allowing Peter to pick another nickname. His first choice? “Diarrhea.” That wouldn’t have been our preference, but all right then.

The moral of tonight’s episode of ‘The Mindy Project’? Don’t lie!