Yes, The LEGO Movie Sequel title is really that straightforward! And with experienced television director Rob Schrab aboard, we’re ready to assemble.

Warner Bros. announced yesterday that The LEGO Movie sequel’s official title has been decided: it’s The LEGO Movie Sequel. This is just SEO gold.

A director has also been found, and perhaps somewhat surprisingly, a comedy television director has been chosen for the job.

Rob Schrab has directed several episodes of Community and The Mindy Project, as well as the hilarious Parks and Recreation episode “Camping.”

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The LEGO Movie Sequel will be Schrab’s first time directing a feature — and an animated one at that.

Phil Lord and Chris Miller wrote the screenplay for the follow-up movie, and we expect the major stars — including Chris Pratt and Will Arnett.

Lord and Miller have previously revealed that they want to include more female characters in the sequel, to participate in what they call “female stuff” — whatever that means.

They also discussed plans to include Star Wars character R2-D2 in the first film. He was supposed to have a significant role, but they didn’t get the rights for him, so perhaps he can pop up in the next one!

We have to wait until 2018 for The LEGO Movie Sequel however, which is a bummer. But at least the LEGO Batman movie is out in 2017.