“Korra Alone” showed us a new side of our protagonist, bringing us full circle up to what made the Avatar not want to be the Avatar anymore.

Broken image

Present day. Korra heals her earthbending battle injuries, and is faced with a season 3 finale apparition of herself.

Three years back. Team Avatar bids Korra farewell as she travels back home, claiming she’ll only be away for a couple of weeks.

Past demons

Korra is tormented by nightmares of Zaheer. Korra’s parents are worried and want Katara to heal her. Katara comments on the internal damage of the poison, and states that whether Korra gets better or not is up to the Avatar herself.

Korra concentrates on certain parts of her body to heal them. During physical therapy, Korra is hit with jolts of memory of her Red Lotus fight.

Letters from friends

Asami is industrializing all of Republic City, Mako is back on the beat, and Bolin works under Kuvira.

Six months later

During a healing session, Katara reassures Korra that she’s not the first Avatar to overcome great suffering. She refers to Aang’s entire civilization’s extinction, and tells Korra she’ll come out of this experience stronger.

Self Conflict

Back in present day, Korra is scared by her psyche. A puppy dismisses the apparition by barking, and Korra follows the white creature.

Sometime after Katara’s healing sessions. Tenzin arrives at the Southern Water Tribe, and Korra shows off her improving health. Still haunted by Zaheer’s attacks, Tenzin assures Korra that Kuvira is taking hold of the wild Earth Kingdom while the Avatar heals.

Two years past

Korra writes Asami with concerns that she still can’t go into the Avatar state. Korra tells her parents that she’s ready to go back to Republic City.

The Avatar sets off alone. At her first stop, Korra is easily defeated by earthbending thieves, giving her doubt as she arrives at Republic City.

Afraid of old memories, Korra runs away. The next day, she goes to a river, shedding herself of her outfit and hair.


The new Korra finds herself at the Tree of Time. Spirits interrupt Korra’s meditating and offer help. Korra goes back into the real world and travels the world.

Korra arrives in the present-day town, and is drawn to the fighting ring. Korra fights her psyche in the arena.

Swamp scuffle

Back to present day. The dog turns into one of the spirits that offered Korra help. Led to a swamp, Korra comes face-to-face with her psyche. There’s no fighting back, as Korra all but scurries away.

Korra falls into a pile of the Red Lotus poison, and awakens at nightfall in a cave. A figure stands over a caldron, telling Korra to trust her instincts. “I can’t believe it… Toph?” “Nice to see you again, Twinkletoes.”

Watch ‘The Legend of Korra’ season 4, episode 2 online

Nick releases all of the episodes of The Legend of Korra exclusively online sometime each Friday. The show can be watched for free on www.Nick.com.