The Legend of Korra season 3 is sure to excite non-benders and benders alike. Hypable’s resident Avatards gathered their thoughts on what you can expect in the exciting book 3 of Nick’s hit animated show!

The Legend of Korra season 3 premieres this upcoming Friday with a massive three-episode opener. With an awesome trailer and tantalizing synopsis to boot, Hypable’s biggest ATLA fans couldn’t keep in their excitement for too much longer.

Who lives? Who dies? Who falls in love with their cabbage factory? Only Friday’s premiere will tell, which starts on Nickelodeon at 7:00 PM.

More GIFs, please

I can say for sure that I definitely wasn’t expecting The Legend of Korra season 3 to happen not only when it did, but as it did.

Episode leak controversy aside, I still feel really geared up for The Legend of Korra season 3! I’m not going to lie, my most favorite part of being in-season for Korra is being able to write my GIF recaps (crosses fingers that Korra’s Tumblr continues to post awesome HQ GIFS as the episodes air).

As for the show itself, I’m probably most excited for all of the Airbenders. Seriously, where did they come from? Isn’t this series titled Avatar: The Last Airbender for a reason? Or perhaps, much like the fall and rise of the great Jedi, The Legend of Korra season 3 will see Airbenders on the rise. The chakra is strong with this one, Aang.

If I had to toss a few theories out there for what I think we can expect to learn this season, they’d include: finding out Toph’s dad, Makorra’s flame being re-lit, and seeing Meelo become a terrifying Flying Lemur trainer once more.



Hi, Zuko here

I’ve been not so patiently waiting for the retired Fire Lord to make his appearance since we learned he was still alive 80 years after the end of the original series.

We’ve had cameos, either in the present or in flashbacks, of most of the other main characters from Avatar. We even met Zuko’s grandson, voiced by Dante Basco. The nod to the fan favorite was fun, but it wasn’t the man himself. So, I may have made an inhuman sound when the unmistakable scar appeared in the Book 3 trailer.

Zuko had perhaps the greatest character arc of the entire original series, going from revenge-driven prince to benevolent ruler. I’m excited to see how time has affected Zuko — I’m guessing we’ll see more than a passing similarity to Uncle Iroh. I’m looking forward to seeing him both in a mentor role as well as back in action.

Also, dragons. Game of Thrones won’t be back until next spring, after all.


It’s girl time!

While The Legend of Korra definitely doesn’t lack for awesome female characters, it looks like Book 3 will reach a new peak in putting the focus on the women in Korra’s world – and seriously, I can’t wait.

The previews for Book 3 feature several new female characters spanning the spectrum of good and evil. From the mysterious Earth Queen to sly Combustion Lady (and don’t forget the women with water arms!) The Legend of Korra season 3 seems to promise several fascinating, powerful, and complicated women for our enjoyment and glee.

And even more than meeting new characters, I’m looking forward to further development of the women who are already in Korra’s life. I’m incredibly excited to learn more about Lin Beifong (who unfortunately fell to the sidelines last season) and hopefully more looks about her family as well. I’d also love for Jinora’s arc from Book 2 to grow further, and for Tenzin’s daughter to gain even more prominence in the story.

But most of all, I’m hoping to see an expansion of Korra and Asami’s friendship. The two haven’t had much time to interact without Mako and Bolin between them, but I think they have the makings of a truly epic friendship. Asami and Korra have plenty of differences, but I can’t wait for them to really explore their similarities – and finally have each other’s backs when the bending gets tough.


The Legend of Korra season 3 premieres on Nickelodeon at 7:00 PM this upcoming Friday, June 27.

Images sourced from AvatarSpirit.Net

What are you most excited about for Friday’s ‘The Legend of Korra’ season 3 premiere?