Before the hour-long premiere tonight, Nick has released promotional images for Korra’s family and friends to be introduced in The Legend of Korra season 2!

On Nickelodeon’s The Legend of Korra promotional website, they introduced and revealed eight new characters that will have significant plot lines in The Legend of Korra season 2.

The characters introduced include Korra’s father Tonraq (whom we’ve already seen in The Legend of Korra pilot), and her uncle Unalaq, a man deeply concerned with the state of the spirit world. We also see eccentric businessman Varrick, who is always looking to cut a deal, Varrick’s assistant Zhu Li, and a movie star named Ginger.

Tenzin’s sister Kya also appears – according to Nickelodeon, the Kataang kids don’t always “play nice!” We also see more shots of Korra’s near identical twin cousins Desna and Eska, who are apparently not to be crossed.

Check out all of the new images below!

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The characters featured in each image go as follows: Tonraq, Unalaq, Varrick and Asami, Zhu Li and Bolin, Ginger, Unalaq, Bumi Tenzin and Kya (twice), and Desna and Eska, also twice.

We’re most excited to see the twins in action. From what we’ve seen from The Legend of Korra season 2 trailer, they will epicly Waterbend by surfing on both snow and water.

Who’s your favorite character so far from ‘The Legend of Korra’ season 2?

Hypable has also been getting in the spirit of The Legend of Korra season 2 with our SeptBender celebration. All throughout the month of September, we are posting daily articles celebrating The Legend of Korra, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and the incredible fandom – so be sure to check it out!

The Legend of Korra season 2 debuts tonight, Friday, Sept. 13. The show will have an hour long premiere at 7 p.m. EST on Nickelodeon.

Written by: Mitchel Clow and Michal Schick