The Leftovers season 1, episode 6 aired tonight! Catch up on what happened with our full recap.

Tonight’s episode, “Guest,” narrows the lens for the second time this season. This time the story follows Nora to New York, where she attends a conference featuring various panels hosted by people who work with the families of the Departed in some way.

The Department of Sudden Departure: Nora’s weekly routine, groceries, cleaning, and taking care of her job interviews, remain the same following the Departure. With one notable exception: her entire family is gone. Her cabinets of sugary cereals go uneaten into the trash, replaced by newer, unopened ones.

One new addition to her fresh life is hiring call girls to shoot her. Nothing fatal, of course, just a bullet to the chest, stopped by a vest. Lying on the inflatable mattress, Nora has the sensation of death for a fleeting second before her lungs gasp once again for life.

Nora’s job, interviewing families who wish to receive Departure benefits from the Department of Sudden Departure provides the opportunity for her to travel to New York as a representative for her state. Before leaving, Nora is asked about one out of the 150 questions that seem to create a pattern in her responses. Making sure that work and her personal life remain separate, Nora agrees to keep her questions direct.

One final pit stop before her trip finds Nora in divorce court. If the filing party wishes to divorce a departed spouse, the legal document is binding if one day the Departed does return. Nora proceeds with the filing, retaining her last name at the close.

Kevin Garvey, also in the court house to file his divorce papers, reveals to Nora that he should have seen this coming after Laurie left him for the GR. They both share a moment where they are making radical steps forward away from the last three years, but Nora’s kind demeanor breaks when she scoffs at Kevin’s opposition to her grandiose plan to run away to Miami, taking a strike at Kevin’s daughter.

The Mob and the Badge: In New York, the protesters of the conference, including some members of another GR branch, gather in opposition of the discussions happening inside the lobby. Someone has claimed Nora’s badge from registration and she is stuck with a “Guest” badge. Unfortunately, this means no legacy stickers or “Panelist” designation. On the upside, she is able to jump into the conference without the sympathy from onlookers as she wears her three stickers of loss around her neck.

Her frantic search for a woman who took her badge leads her down a few ugly corridors, but also into an elevator with those looking to liven the party from the doldrums of the spirits of the departed. In a suite upstairs, with a man whose profession “you don’t want to know,” Nora pops pills, drinks vodka, and dances on couches. Everyone in the room, drugged and sexually promiscuous, share a bond over their hatred for their jobs, especially the one you don’t want to know about.

As it turns out, some things are best left behind the curtain. In a world where the demand for people to properly say goodbye to their departed residents is high, for the right price (and with the right photos) in 4-6 weeks the families can have an anatomically correct replica of their departed family member. In the corner of the room lies a perfect replica of the ambiguously employed friend, who makes a pass at her even though she is married. Instead of letting him kiss her, Nora climbs on top of his lifeless replication and kisses it.

An Unexpected Hall: Nora is awoken by a loud demand that she be removed from the premises after breaking the hotel bar mirror. The woman who stole her badge threw a bottle in anger the night that Nora spent partying upstairs. Nora heads straight to the photo copy shop to make a new replica of her badge and attempts to get into her panel to see if someone is sitting in her chair. Sure enough, although the hotel staff detain her, Nora is able to prove that she was not the one who caused the riot in the lobby…yet.

The woman, a radical bystander hoping to have the attention of the room, begins her tirade and Nora is vindicated. In the bar, actual Nora Durst strikes up a conversation with the man whose latest book, What’s Next. turns out to be a very popular healing book. At one point in his life, he decided to stop focusing on if they were coming back, and stopped feeling guilty for being happy. Nora’s rage gets the best of her and she lashes out that there is no happiness after losing everyone who is close to you.

A pastor asks Nora if she is tired of feeling that way… He may have a solution.

Moving On: Pushing through the PayPal screen on a computer, for a mere $1,000, Nora finds herself an audience with Holy Wayne. He is a tired man who does not care about her or her worries; after all, he has her money. But if she is truly tired of carrying around her pain, he will take it from her. With a hug and good sob, Nora arrives home with a lightness about her.

In place of a gallon of milk and sugared cereal, meals for one and a quarter gallon of milk enter her life. As well as a man, who checks in on her. Kevin Garvey arrives to propose a counter offer to her runaway vacation. Dinner?

Could Nora and Kevin be in the works?

Stray Observations:

•The single character episodes are working extremely well for a new series

•The return of Holy Wayne hints that perhaps Tommy may be coming back to New York soon

•What IS Holy Wayne’s secret?

Watch The Leftovers season 1, episode 7, “Solace for Tired Feet,” Sunday, August 10 at 10:00 p.m. ET on HBO.