Ready for a sneak peek of The Hobbit trailer which will be hitting theaters this month?

Ain’t It Cool News saw it early and shared a short but sweet review.

They write:

Yes, we saw THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY trailer thanks to Gandalf The Grey magically transporting Quint from the beautiful landscapes of Middle-Earth to the Alamo Drafthouse in Austin, Texas. No, I can’t talk about any specifics except to say that something I always treasured from the original book is in the trailer in a big way and I was very happy to hear it. The trailer will play in front of THE ADVENTURES OF TINTIN and it’s simply sublime. It’s more character-based than epic, but it’s like slipping into a warm embrace from a very old friend that you haven’t seen in many years. Truly wonderful.

As soon as The Hobbit trailer is released online, we’ll be sure to share it with you! We can’t wait.