Soon, you can own the entire extended edition The Hobbit trilogy in extended edition format, with a more gory The Battle of the Five Armies battle sequence!

Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit trilogy concluded at the end of 2014 with The Battle of the Five Armies.

Although generally less well received than its precursor The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit garnered a fan base of its own, who are surely itching to complete their extended edition box set.

Well, your wait is almost over! The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies will be released on November 16 in the U.K., coming out a day later in the U.S.

Ahead of its release, Fathom Events is hosting a screening of all three extended editions across three nights, and has released this exciting trilogy trailer:

The three-part Fathom Events screening will be held in various U.S. cinemas on October 5, October 7 and October 13. It features an exclusive introduction by Peter Jackson.

As we previously told you, BotFA‘s rating has been bumped up to an R. This probably means an extended Smaug sequence, more gruesome battle shots, or perhaps just a higher quantity of blood than the PG-13 label would allow.

Related: Watch: Someone turned The Hobbit trilogy into a 4-hour film

The extended edition of the third film in the saga will be roughly 30 minutes longer than the theatrical version.

According to the Tolkien Society, new scenes include a “chariot race” with Balin, Dwalin, Kili and Fili, and a funeral sequence featuring speeches from Gandalf.

Will you be attending the special screening of The Hobbit extended editions in October?