After last week’s ominous ending, we knew tonight’s episode of The Following wasn’t going to be a happy one. Are they ever, though?

‘The Following’ season 3, episode 2 recap

Mark Gray, clad in dark hair and a fake goatee, takes Andrew’s silver truck to be disposed of, to hide any evidence. He takes it to a man named Spider, who has a kill room set up, complete with electric chair. He says they’re going to “fry us an FBI agent.”

Mark shows up to Daisy and Kyle’s room to wake them up for the day and even they are a little creeped out by him. Kyle is especially unnerved by the whole cooking for the undead twin thing that Mark has going on. Daisy admits they have their own agenda. Now we just need to know what that is.

Mike and Max’s new man Tom square off in the hallway at FBI headquarters. Tom wants to make peace, but Mike simply doesn’t care. He just wants to get to work finding and stopping Mark.

Ryan and Mike go to interrogate Andrew based on some new info about him having a family he left behind. The man pretends to be upset about it, but they were just a cover. He advises both FBI agents to “confess while there’s still time.” He says that innocents will continue dying until they confess to their crimes and lies.

Kyle gets his flirty flirt on with a potential new victim, an Asian woman at a grocery store.

Weston brings Ryan some new intel on Andrew. He is the owner of a silver pickup truck. They want to find the truck and use it to lead them to Mark.

Daisy and Kyle let themselves into the Asian lady’s house from the market. They corner her in the bathroom. They duct tape her to a chair in the dining room. They force her to call her husband and get him home. Daisy and Kyle include some incredibly creepy couple-y behaviors. Nothing creepier than looking for toys in the bedside table of the woman you’re about to kill.

The FBI agents get a trace on the truck and get to the location before Mark leaves. Spider sneaks him out a secret exit into a sewer pipe behind a massive tool box.

Spider then leads the FBI on a chase (ending in his death thanks to Ryan) and Mark gets away. Max discovers pictures of the Asian lady, who turns out to be the Agent Clarke’s wife, Anna.

We see Jeff walk into his home, only to be accosted by the creepy couple. They knock the captain out and drag him away, leaving his wife to suffocate with a plastic bag over her head.

Ryan, Max, and Mike find her, and thanks to some CPR, Ryan revives her and she tells them that the creepy couple took Jeff.

Mark calls Daisy and Kyle to tell them that they have to go with plan B, which involves a guy named Neil. Daisy is not happy, as this Neil character creeps her out something awful. That’s definitely saying something.

Mark goes back to the apartment to switch disguises and give himself a little Luke-to-Mark pep talk. He calls the FBI. He wants them, or Mike particularly, to confess to executing Lily Grey, or he will execute Agent Clarke.

Max discovers that Andrew and Joe had a class together in elementary school. Mendez wants Ryan to go to Joe and see if he can give them any details as to how these things are related. They’re looking for anything that can help them save Agent Clarke.

Ryan arrives at the prison. Dr. Strauss is the man Ryan’s there to talk to, though. Dr. Strauss taught the class Andrew and Joe had together. Ryan suggests that Andrew was another of Strauss’ students. All he wants is for Strauss to give him a lead to the creepy couple, and they’ll make a deal.

Strauss tells Ryan that Andrew would need a strong motivating factor to attract the FBI’s attention. He thinks it’s fear.

Neil has been building a box most of the day, in full view of Agent Clarke. Jeff manages to get himself free without too much trouble. He runs and finds a cell phone and calls Ryan. Ryan gets the FBI to trace the call, and discovers that it came from the Reading, PA area. Just when Clarke thinks he has a breakaway, Kyle knocks him out with a pipe.

A short chopper flight later and Ryan and Co. are in PA and on the hunt for Agent Clarke.

Jeff wakes tied to a table. Daisy tells him that while Ryan, Max, and Mike may not have confessed in time to save him, he can save himself. Clarke says he has nothing to confess. Neil then lets us know how creepy he really is. He’s going to use some sort of cattle knife to paralyze Agent Clarke, then dislocate his joints and fit him neatly into a box that in no way looks like it is big enough to hold a body. He informs Agent Clarke that he will be aware the entire time. Did that send shivers down anyone else’s spine?

Max knows they need more time, so she suggests they give Mark what he wants. Mike calls just then, letting them know he thinks he found the location.

Mendez calls Ryan and tells him to watch as Clarke confesses to leading the black ops mission that ended with Lily and Luke Grey’s deaths. The video is streaming live on the internet.

They storm into a warehouse nearby, and come across the filming location for the video, followed by the box, with a trail of blood draining from it. They look at the box in horror, knowing what they will find inside, especially since the agent’s badge is laying open on the top.

Ryan wants to know if Agent Clarke was in any pain, and the ME admits that it’s medically impossible to know, but he was definitely in shock prior to his death.

We then see a flashback to Agent Clarke and Ryan in the hospital. The doctor, Gwen, shows up to help. At least now we know how Ryan met his new lady love, who comforts him in present day as he mourns his friend.