We’ve had some major revelations in recent episodes of The Flash, and Tom Cavanagh teases what else is to come.

In The Flash season 1, episode 15, “Out of Time,” Harrison Wells revealed his true identity and hinted at his intentions. Now we’re learning a bit more about what Wells is up to.

Harrison Wells, aka Eobard Thawne, has stated that he is trying to get back to his own time. He has been stuck in our time since he traveled back to the night of Nora Allen’s death; he murdered Barry’s mother, though he was trying to kill Barry. Why? We don’t know, other than that Wells/Thawne has some manner of use planned for Barry.

According to Cavanagh, “[I]t’s fair to say that Barry’s abilities come from a positive culling of the Speed Force” while “Reverse Flash’s abilities come from what Barry would call a negative culling of the Speed Force.”

This is a particularly interesting phrasing to note, as there is a Negative Speed Force in the DC Comics. Where the Speed Force grants speedsters their power, the Negative Speed Force eats away at the regular Speed Force and can consume any speedster connected to it by touch. It is also generated by the Reverse Flash in the form of red electricity.

We know that Wells’ speed has been spotty at times as he struggles to tap into the Speed Force — which he needed the tachyon device for — so undoubtedly his quest to return to his proper time will be related to use of the Speed Force.

Related: The Flash: Who is Harrison Wells and what is the Speed Force?

Cavanagh adds, “Truthfully, the Speed Force is important to both of them accomplishing their goals, and the Speed Force doesn’t separate. As they fight towards what they really want — or think they want — they are going to have to take advantage of that Speed Force.

“I say, ‘think they want,’ because if you’re familiar with the mythology, what Barry needs and what Barry thinks he wants aren’t always the same thing.”

We’re guessing that what Barry wants is to save his mother, while what Barry needs will be something completely different. In the Flashpoint storyline in the DC comics, after all, saving Nora Allen’s life changes the world drastically.

The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8:00 p.m. ET on The CW.

What are you ‘Flash’ theories about Harrison Wells?