The Flash is full of metahumans these days, but fan-favorite Cisco recently gave us the scoop on tonight’s episode and future episodes!

From potential relationships to what lies ahead, The Flash star Carlos Valdes was happy to chat with us about the hit CW drama and Cisco. Check out our conversation below!

Hi, Carlos! First let me just fangirl for a second and say that one of my best friends and I love the show, and she has been spreading the word like wildfire that I was talking to you today, so this is a pretty big deal in my book.

Haha! That’s awesome. I love it.

And she gave me my best question, so I’ll start off with that one: with all of the nicknames Cisco gives the metahumans, has he ever thought of a nickname for himself?

Hahaha, absolutely not! I think one of the things that makes Cisco such a unique character is he has a lot of love, especially for those around him and the things that are happening around him, so he gives that love outwardly. I don’t think he is quite self-interested enough to start coming up with names for himself, but if there were ever an opportunity, I’m sure he’d come up with something very appropriate.

What nickname would you give him?

Ohhh. Uh, I don’t know. Well I guess, in the comic books it’s Vibe, but that’s already taken. And we don’t even know if that’s the way the show will turn out. I would say…I don’t know…

I mean Cisco is a pretty unique name. So, most of the characters currently on The Flash have or have had a love interest and what I like about your character is that, not that he doesn’t have a love interest, but that, like you said, his love for the other characters, mostly Caitlin, is most platonic, which is refreshing. But do you get a love interest in the future?

I think Cisco gets more than one love interest, whether those love interests are substantial and/or reciprocated is another question. You know, Cisco is a young kid, in his early twenties; he gets around and he sees a lot of things he likes, but not everything he likes likes him. Let’s put it that way.

Right. Now I know that you guys just recently finished filming the second crossover with Ray and Felicity from Arrow. Do you have any teases about that? We’ve heard that Ray and Cisco bond over their shared love of technology.

Right, all I’m going to say is we always love having Emily around. She’s the best, she’s so fun and she clicks with our dynamic, so that’s always really fun. Um, I guess expect some of the Felicity antics that she is so good at portraying. As far as Brandon’s concerned, he’s awesome. I love working with Brandon. And the other other thing I have to say about the episode is it’s amazing. It’s a real honor working with the ATOM suit. Such a great presence on set.

We also heard that Cisco’s brother was cast a while ago, do you have any teases about that?

Yes. Nick is awesome, he portrays Dante so well. I am really excited to see how it plays on camera and how fans react to his performance. Fans can expect to see a little bit of Cisco’s background and where he comes from, especially in terms of his family and how those events and those relationships kind of influenced him as the person he is and the trajectory of his character from here.

Is there any neat technology you would like to see Cisco develop in future episodes?

Interesting. Yeah, I would think to see how Cisco would respond to the Speed Force, as a real thing. If maybe, how he would handle that from an engineering stand point considering it’s such a extraction.

Do you have a favorite scene so far?

A favorite scene? Yes. There are a couple in tomorrow night’s episode, episode 113. I get to play a lot with Jesse (Detective Joe West) and it’s so much fun to play with him, getting to do these very quirky scenes with him. So you can expect a couple of scenes from tomorrow’s episode to really be highlights for Cisco.

What are three words to sum up tomorrow’s episode?

Three words to sum up the episode are… Holy Cow Radioactivity.

While Carlos was not allowed to comment about recent casting news regarding former Walking Dead cast member Emmy Kinney joining the show, it was later confirmed and you can read about it here.

Are you excited as we are for more Cisco? Be sure to check out the show tonight!