On The Flash season 6, episode 5, Cisco is still struggling with Barry’s inevitable death, and his quest to learn how to be “team leader” takes priority. Meanwhile, Frost is dealing with Ramsey, trying to stop him.

The Flash season 6, episode 5 hits the breaks on Barry’s preparations for “Crisis on Infinite Earths” as his goal for Cisco to be team leader after his death gets a test drive when Barry and Iris take off on vacation. Initially, I wasn’t expecting to enjoy this episode very much (I thought it would be boring, and I mean, I was kind of right), but I was pleasantly surprised.

This episode does a great job of showcasing Cisco’s incredible growth over the span of The Flash, and Cisco and Kamilla take on the role as the main couple, proving their connection to be strong and seemingly unbreakable. While I was a bit disappointed about how it handled a couple of others, it’s impossible to deny how important this episode is and how it makes Cisco shine.

‘The Flash’ season 6, episode 5 screener secrets

Barry and Iris

In short, I’m disappointed with how The Flash season 6, episode 5 handled Barry and Iris. As shown in the trailer for the episode, Barry and Iris decide to take a vacation, and aside from two scenes, they’re absent from most the episode. This hour definitely focuses more on Cisco than anyone else, which has me curious about who will actually be dying during the “Crisis on Infinite Earths” crossover.

Yet again, the feelings Iris should be having over Barry’s upcoming death are absent, but it’s no surprise based on their limited scenes.

Cisco and Kamilla

My favorite part of the episode would probably have to be seeing the relationship between Cisco and Kamilla developed. We haven’t seen much of them — at least not enough to warrant a strong emotional reaction — and they’re truly settling in with each other nicely. For the most part, this episode sees the two working toward taking the next step in their relationship, even amid something that could tear them apart.

The focus Cisco is getting is concerning, but it’s great. Another highlight of the episode is the dynamic between Cisco and Breacher, which unfolds in a surprising way.

Nash and Joe

While Cisco is the star of the episode, Nash and Joe have the B-plot, and we see the two men in a very tricky situation. I’m still not a fan of this new Wells (and this plot was honestly kind of useless), but it ends on an interesting note, so I’ll at least give it some points for that.

Frost and Ramsey

And the C-plot on The Flash season 6, episode 5 goes to… Frost, as she continues to learn what being a hero means. It’s interesting to see how Frost is handling this Ramsey situation, and we’re continuing to see a new side of her with every passing episode, which I’m very much enjoying. Struggling with something that happened a few episodes ago, Frost tries to make progress on stopping Ramsey once and for all, though she has to ask for help, which is definitely one of the hardest things for her to do.

Also, finally, we get to see Caitlin again, even if only for a brief time. Caitlin is part of quite the scene, and it only made me miss her presence more (despite how much I’m loving Frost having her own story).

‘The Flash’ season 6, episode 5 spoiler-free review

As I said before, The Flash season 6, episode 5 didn’t have enough of Barry or Iris, though Cisco’s story was entertaining enough to lead the episode. This episode is, like, the definition of a filler episode, but it ends on a very interesting twist.

Additionally, with the focus they’re putting on Cisco, despite Barry’s death supposedly coming very soon, I’m drawing my own conclusions about what “Crisis on Infinite Earths” will do to Team Flash.

The official description of the episode, released by The CW, reads:

“Cisco’s (Carlos Valdes) faith in his ability to fill Barry’s (Grant Gustin) shoes as Team Leader is upended when he learns of a shocking murder. Meanwhile, Killer Frost (Danielle Panabaker) trusts no one except herself to hunt down the dangerous Ramsey Rosso (guest star Sendhil Ramamurthy).”

The Flash season 6, episode 5 airs Tuesday, November 5 at 8 p.m. ET on The CW!