On The Flash season 6, episode 15, Barry, Caitlin, and Cisco attempt to think of ways to get Barry’s speed back, but their plans have to wait when a new meta-human, Sunshine, starts going after Joe West.

The Flash season 6, episode 15 is another strong episode — which almost felt like it was right out of an older, better season — that brings Reverse Flash back, in Nash’s mind, as he attempts to break through and reconnect with his Negative Speedforce. In doing so, Nash is subjected to a flashback of the most painful time of his life.

Meanwhile, Mirror Iris and Mirror Kamilla’s brief moments with Eva deliver as the most intriguing parts of the episode, and it seems that this Iris is just seconds away from someone finally figuring out it isn’t the real Iris they’ve been with, especially as Eva has her doing things to hurt the people Iris cares for.

‘The Flash’ season 6, episode 15 review

Honestly, just like episode 14, I loved The Flash season 6, episode 15. It’s one of my favorites of the series, and really felt like it started to go back to the show’s roots, which is what made everyone love the show in the first place.

The teases of the Black Hole story are getting really interesting, but I love that it’s not the sole focus of the show and we’re seeing other things come up in the characters’ lives. There are also just so many moving parts to the story (Black Hole, Eva, Mirror Iris and Kamilla, the metas-for-hire), that it’s one of the most elaborate and interesting arcs The Flash has done since season 1.

Additionally, I loved seeing the focus come back to what it was in the beginning: Joe West at the CCPD and Barry and his team at Star Labs. We could have done with a little more Iris — especially seeing what happened to the real Kamilla after being shot with the mirror gun — but that will be coming in the following episodes, I’m sure. And plus, the focus needs to be on Barry managing and keeping his speed, first and foremost.

Barry and Eobard

Whereas some appearances from Reverse Flash over the last few seasons have fallen flat, this one was actually pretty great. It’s another important thing for Barry to address now that he doesn’t have an expiration date looming over him with “Crisis on Infinite Earths” over. His rivalry with Reverse Flash, the man who killed his mother, has been a constant of his life since getting his powers.

It’s long since come time for Barry to accept the past and move forward (which is easier said than done), but it’s incredible to see Barry finally start to let go of his anger toward Eobard. This man has controlled so much of his life, of his emotions, and I’m excited to see where Barry goes from here.

How does he process his mother’s death while no longer becoming overwhelmed with anger for the man who killed her? How does he go about being the Flash without this villain and his “death” looming over his head?

The Flash season 6, episode 15 will go down as an episode holding such a key moment on Barry’s journey, and it’s almost surprising that it was thrown in here and not a major episode (like a season finale or premiere).

Two missing characters

Honestly, one of my favorite things about The Flash season 6, episode 15 had to be Caitlin and Joe having more prominent roles than they have all season.

We don’t get nearly enough of Joe, who clearly still has so much to offer the show, the characters, and the universe. As the CCPD Captain, we could easily see him crossing over to other shows, and we desperately need more West family moments like we had in the beginning. Joe and Barry’s relationship feels like it isn’t treated with the same level of importance as it used to be, which is a factor I hope Eric Wallace (the new showrunner) is set on fixing.

With Joe and Singh’s new investigation for the mole underway, fingers crossed that this leads to Joe having a more prominent role in what’s going on with Black Hole and especially with Iris (who has now been trapped in the mirrorverse for months and, like, no one knows…?), and his place on the show and in the hearts of the characters is emphasized (as it should be).

As for Caitlin, I really enjoyed seeing her step up again on The Flash season 6, episode 15, and it reminded me a lot of Caitlin from the earlier seasons. Seeing her medical skills emphasized again just proved how invaluable she is to the team, which I hope the writers keep in mind when Danielle Panabaker exits for her maternity leave.

Additionally, Caitlin adamantly trying to protect Barry and not being afraid to stand up to him when he’s wrong reminded me a lot of their dynamic in season 1. Her knowledge is partially the reason Barry is still alive today, and I hope Caitlin continues to be the voice of reason on the team. This is the Caitlin Snow we’ve been waiting to see again.

With Frost, it’s no surprise she was knocked out for much of the episode, but her fight with Sunshine has me concerned about her future. If her wound from Dr. Light was opened up again so easily, which took her out for much longer, and there are more metas with these abilities on the way, I’m scared they’re going to use that to kill Frost.

I mean, they probably won’t kill her, but my theory is Panabaker’s exit could come with Caitlin/Frost being knocked into a coma from the wound being opened again and taking longer for her abilities to heal.

‘The Flash’ season 6, episode 15 final thoughts

Could have done without the Nash story on The Flash season 6, episode 15, but at least Tom Cavanaugh can give one hell of a performance. Seeing him as Reverse Flash and Nash, it’s hard to imagine what the show would ever look like without him, even if Nash is the worst version of Wells he’s played thus far.

Eva McCulloch is one of my favorite villains already — I hope I don’t regret saying that later this season — and I’m on the edge of my seat waiting to see what her larger plan is and why these new versions of Iris and Kamilla were necessary. How does she play into Black Hole, other than the fact that her husband is behind it?

On the next episode, I really hope Iris finally escapes the mirrorverse. It doesn’t feel right for her to be missing out on these meaningful moments for her husband, like letting his rage toward Thawne go, and the little differences that the other characters have noticed since the switch are getting tiresome.

It’s time for some action! Let Candice Patton give an incredible performance already, which we know is bound to happen when Iris escapes and deals with her emotions over this situation (particularly that nobody figured out it wasn’t her)!

The Flash season 6 continues Tuesday, April 7 at 8 p.m. ET on The CW! Production on the final episodes of the season is currently shut down. Stay tuned for updates on the situation!