On The Flash season 6, episode 14, Wally’s highly anticipated return comes to pass as he and Barry begin to realize their speedster abilities are acting up, leading to the revelation that the Speedforce is, indeed, dying.

When Wally and Cisco return on The Flash season 6, episode 14, there are two major problems to solve: the Speedforce is dying and Turtle 2 is out and about, killing people in Central City. Meanwhile, Nash is continuing to see other versions of Harrison Wells, and the story finally goes somewhere interesting.

As for Iris, played by Eva McCulloch, she’s still trapped in the mirrorverse, though the cliffhanger of this episode might finally cause the change necessary to help Iris escape and take down this new Mirror Master (and the imposter living her life in the real world).

‘The Flash’ season 6, episode 14 review

Of the season so far, I’d say The Flash season 6, episode 14 has been the strongest episode. I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite, as 6×02 or 6×10 are my first two choices for that, but it had a strong story from every perspective (aside from a few minor issues) and really seemed to know where it was headed for the first time.

R.I.P. Speedforce

Given the title of The Flash season 6, episode 14, “The Death of the Speedforce,” it’s no surprise that the Speedforce, well, died. It’s the reason Wally returned, the reason Barry’s powers have been acting up since “Crisis on Infinite Earths” happened, and now changes what’s next for Barry and the show in so many ways. Like Eobard Thawne’s Negative Speedforce, which we saw Nora use and become “possessed” by last season, Barry’s seeking to make his own artificial force to keep his speedster abilities (and likely Wally’s, too).

I’m disappointed that Wally’s return came with tension between him and Barry. It would have been nice to get a real Flash and Kid Flash team-up for the first time in years, but Wally really felt, in some ways, like he had reverted back to who he was before (as Joe rightfully pointed out). If the writers accomplished anything, it’s that being in Central City isn’t healthy for Wally, and he isn’t the person he wants to be because he always feels like he’s in competition with Barry.

After all of this time, Wally deserved a better story, and it’s so disheartening that during his one episode back, we didn’t get to see him interact with his real sister, but instead, the mirrored fragment living her life.

Without the Speedforce, I’m excited to see what’s next for Barry and how his powers will change/grow. This change needs to feel monumental for the fans, as it really changes everything Barry has relied on with his speed since getting his powers. It’s cruel that Barry had to watch his mother die again, but it feels right.

The Speedforce has tried to take care of Barry as a sort of parental figure, and nothing has changed Barry’s life more than his mother’s death, so it really cements that this part of his life and this force standing behind him is gone. I hope this event has long-lasting impacts on the future of The Flash.

Cisco’s return

After a few episodes, Cisco has returned to Central City on The Flash season 6, episode 14, seemingly having traveled the entire world in a quite a short period of time…? (Seriously, how long has it been, and what’s up with that? Even if it has been four months since “Crisis on Infinite Earths,” that’s not enough time to see the world.) Though his focus fell on Turtle 2, it’s really quite perplexing to see what they’re doing with Cisco.

It feels like the writers are just buying time before Cisco’s exit at this point, with Chester taking his place for the upcoming seventh season. If that’s the case, I’d really rather they just write him off already. I love Cisco, and no one can really replace him on Team Flash, but his presence has kind of been a confusing buzzkill since he became obsessed with creating the meta-human cure last season.

He went on this journey around the world to find himself, yet came back and nothing had changed, as he told Caitlin. His relationship with Kamilla is the one aspect of his story really moving forward at all, and Kamilla’s importance on the show is growing while his is falling, hard.

I will say, I really missed seeing Cisco and Caitlin’s friendship, which has been all but non-existent this season (as has the characters’ time on-screen). They have such a deep bond, it’ll be hard to lose if, and when, one or both of them leave the show. It’s also exciting to see Barry, Caitlin, and Cisco, the ones who started all of this, teaming up to create the artificial force. It’s been so long since we’ve seen the smaller Team Flash, and I hope that they give this story the focus it deserves.

Mirror Iris

Honestly, I have no idea where this Mirror Iris story is headed, but it’s so interesting that I don’t care. The Flash season 6, episode 14 seems to have kicked up the pace of this story, and Iris’ escape from the mirrorverse, by having Mirror Iris shoot Kamilla with the mirror gun, seemingly caused her to be trapped in the mirrorverse as well. And that was a cliffhanger I was absolutely not expecting.

I’m really excited to see where this story is going, but I’m quite let down by the fact that, after four episodes now, no one has really figured out that Mirror Iris isn’t their Iris. It doesn’t make any sense that Wally, who barely spent any time with his sister when he was on the show, realized something was up, while her husband and father haven’t sensed any real changes? Iris knew Barry was infected by Bloodwork four seconds after it happened, but Barry’s such a terrible husband that he doesn’t realize it after weeks with her? Bullshit.

I really hope if Iris and Kamilla are teaming up to get out of the mirrorverse, that they figure out quickly how Eva is manipulating them and trying to destroy their hope. I mean, why else would Eva have shown Iris everyone she knows getting together to welcome Wally home, but “lose it” five seconds later? She’s trying to destroy Iris. Why though?

‘The Flash’ season 6, episode 14 final thoughts

Nash finally has found a purpose on The Flash season 6, episode 14, which is to be a conduit for Eobard Thawne! Of course, Reverse Flash has to return, but I’m curious as to whether or not this story will end with Tom Cavanaugh’s exit for The Flash, as rumors are also circulating about him.

Since Thawne doesn’t really have to be part of Barry’s future anymore after “Crisis on Infinite Earths” changed everything, there’s no real purpose for having a Wells around every season. Nash isn’t really becoming anyone’s favorite; if anything, his treatment of Cisco on this episode just turned more people away.

I really loved seeing Joe and Wally reconnect, but it’s just a reminder of what we lose when Wally was written off of the show. Kid Flash could have and should have had a much bigger role, and even his own potential spin-off when The Flash comes to an end, but there’s absolutely no way that’s going to happen now. Hopefully Wally returns soon and can interact with his real sister, since that was the biggest letdown of the episode.

It looks like the future of The Flash for next season is really uncertain, especially with Chester and Allegra becoming series regulars and Sue now around as a major part of Ralph’s life. For now, season 6 looks like it’s on the way toward an enormous, incredible finale…

The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET on The CW!