The Flash mid-season finale, “The Man in the Yellow Suit,” gave us more questions than it did answers, and now we have to wait until January?!

Secret’s Out

It’s Christmas time in Central City and Barry is helping decorate the house for the holidays when Iris decides to trade presents with Barry a little early. Barry gives her a replica of her mother’s wedding band strung on a necklace, and Iris gave Barry a new microscope. Eddie shows up, and it’s clear that he’s a little put off by Barry’s touching Christmas gift to his girlfriend.

It bothers him so much that he brings it up to Iris later that day during coffee, and thinks Barry might like her more than as a friend. He lets it slide and offers her a key to his apartment since they’ve been together for a year. Iris goes to tell Barry about the new development in their relationship, and tells him Eddie’s concerns, but Barry denies the accusations that he likes Iris and tells her he’s happy for them.

Barry visits his dad after his encounter with the man in the yellow suit, and after an emotional conversation his father explains to him that he shouldn’t let this man take Iris away. Yes, he always knew about Barry’s infatuation with her (who didn’t, really?) and wants him to just go after her.

So he does. He tells Iris about his feelings for her, and it doesn’t go well. At least she doesn’t yell or scream or act terribly, she’s just shocked (and she should be). So he leaves her with her feelings.

Fire Storm

Caitlin is coming back from getting a gift for Dr. Wells when she sees her ex, Ronnie Raymond in the parking lot. She follows him and he then lights up, as he does, which scares her off.

Caitlin then heads to the cafe where Iris works to talk to her about the man she wrote about, who’s head and hands burst into flames. She has Iris send her the reports on him, and then Iris asks if Barry is keeping a secret from her. Caitlin tells her to ask him herself, wisely.

At the lab, Caitlin tells Cisco about seeing Ronnie and he doesn’t believe her but agrees to help her find him. They do end up finding him, but he says he’s not Ronnie and flames up. He runs away, and Cisco says they’ll find him again. Caitlin wishes he’d died on that night instead of becoming this thing.

The Man

At another lab, the man who runs just as fast as Barry kills a few guards in an attempt to steal something. Fortunately for the scientist involved he was able to barricade himself with the item in question, keeping the man away. Later that day Barry and Joe investigate the case, and the scientist explains it was a blur of a man. This gets Barry really excited about the fact the man who killed his mom is back, but then Joe lets him know that he threatened to kill Iris and stole all the evidence from his mother’s case.

Barry heads to Star Labs to talk about the case, and it turns out the lab the item was in was Mercury Labs, Star Lab’s rival. The head scientist at the lab created something that would be able to create tachyons, a particle that can move faster than light. That’s why the blur of a man was trying to get it, he wants to run even faster. It’s up to the team to stop them.

They have the lead scientist, Tina, come into the precinct to ask for the prototype of the tachyon particle creator. They want to use it as a lure, but she won’t give so Barry has to threaten her with reports to scientific magazines about all her proto-types.

Barry has a run-in with the blur, who takes him to a football stadium and tosses Barry around a lot saying he’s not fast enough. He also says that Barry knows who he is, and that they’ve been going at this for a long time but he’s always a step ahead. The blur says it’s Barry’s destiny to lose to him, like it was his mother’s to die that night.

Barry tells Wells and Joe about the encounter and Wells says he’s almost done with the trap, they just need to set up the bait. Eddie then comes up to Joe after they manage to get Tina to give them the tachyon device and tells him he wants his task force in on this trap to catch the blur, because he thinks it’s the Flash. Joe hesitantly agrees.

They manage to catch him in their force field, but only for a few minutes before he takes Wells into it and starts beating him. Joe turns off the trap to save Wells but it only helps him, as he steals the tachyon creator and leaves. Barry manages to arrive just in time to attempt to stop the man, but gets his ass kicked. Then Ronnie shows up to help stop him, and it slows him down but the man gets away. And then Ronnie tells Caitlin to not look for him again and flies away. Yes, his fire powers make him fly.

Eddie is confused about why he survived, and Joe finally tells him about the concept of metahumans. Then later at a Christmas party, Cisco explains something very important: When Barry and the blur were fighting there were red and yellow streaks, which match Barry’s description of the night his mother died. So there must have been two of them that night. DUN DUN DUN.

Weekly What the Wells?!

This week, Wells shocks us by opening a secret compartment in his secret compartment. What does it contain? A yellow suit! He then installs the tachyon device on it, and says “Merry Christmas” in a creepy voice-vibrating way. He’s the man in the yellow suit?! WHAT?