Felicity Smoak and Ray Palmer guest star on the latest episode of The Flash.

Bees and Atoms

The episode begins with a car chase, with Eddie and Joe going after several suspects. Barry helps them stop like six people in one night. Having Eddie know his secret is turning out so well!

Elsewhere, an engineering professor of physics and robotics gets into her car only to have thousands of bees attack her. Joe and Barry are on the case and take the case to STAR labs and discover that these aren’t normal bees — they’re more toxic and agile than regular ones. It seems someone is able to control bees, or that’s the current theory.

In the middle of their discussion Felicity arrives and tells them to go outside to see Ray Palmer, aka the A.T.O.M. arrive. Ray tells them he’s having trouble keeping the suit going, so they agree to help him much to Barry’s dismay. When Barry tells Ray and Felicity about the meta human they offer their help, and Felicity asks Barry to coffee to discuss what’s going on.

Iris visits Eddie to ask him what’s going on because he’s all withdrawn and weird, but he says he’s not hiding anything. She leaves unhappy and Eddie tells Joe that he wants to tell her because it’s affecting their relationship, but Joe disagrees.

While at coffee Barry is about to tell Felicity what’s going on but then Eddie interrupts to tell him that he can’t keep this secret from Iris. To help things moving along, for some reason, Felicity invites everyone to dinner.

The Suit of Life

Before they can say much else Barry gets a call from the lab saying there’s another bee attack happening, and he goes to stop them but is too late. He arrives to the scene of the crime just in time to see the bees leave the body of the victim, and they swarm him. It takes him too long to get out of the building and when he does finally get away he goes into cardiac arrest.

Luckily there was a defibrillator in his suit that the team used to jump start his heart. When he gets back to the lab he says he feels fine, and he’s ready to go to dinner now. At dinner Ray buys out the entire restaurant for the night to give them all privacy, and things get awkward real quick when Iris says she doesn’t think the truth should be hidden and Ray says he loves Harrison Wells. Barry excuses himself and Felicity follows him to see why he’s upset, and he finally tells her about his suspicions about Wells. While they’re talking Eddie and Iris get into a fight and Iris decides to stay at her dad’s until Eddie tells her the truth, and they both leave.

Cisco goes to visit Joe at the precinct and asks if there’s something going on with Barry, but Joe says he’s just worried about the reverse flash. Cisco keeps having flashbacks of the alternate timeline where Wells killed him, but he doesn’t tell Joe about it and leaves after he gets more information about the second bee victim.

Bees Everywhere

There’s an emergency at the labs — one of the bees that attacked Barry made its way out of his suit and gets loose. Barry manages to get back from dinner and trap it so they can run some tests and discover that it’s actually a robot. After running some tests they discover that both victims used to work for Mercury Labs and so they decide to give the labs a visit. It’s there that they get the name of the woman who invented the bees: Brie Larven. Brie was terminated because her project was supposed to be using the bees for agricultural use, but she was weaponizing them for military use.

Felicity calls Barry to meet at the coffee shop and tells him that he should tell Caitlin and Cisco about Wells, but he doesn’t want to because he doesn’t know if he can trust them. But Felicity insists. Afterwards Barry goes home to find Iris on the couch, and she asks if Eddie is cheating on her. Barry explains that Eddie sees a lot at work, and he isn’t cheating on her.

And, of course, Brie sends her bees to Mercury labs to attack the woman who fired her. Because Barry’s defibrillator is broken Ray decides to go after her in his new A.T.O.M. suit that Cisco helped him fix. Meanwhile Barry goes to deal with Brie at her “hive.” Together they manage to take down Brie and her bees. Afterwards one of the bees gets loose from Ray’s suit and stings Cisco, but Barry uses his own hands as a defibrillator and manages to revive him.

The Truth Comes Out

At the precinct Iris shows up to visit Eddie and she tells him about her conversation with Barry. She tells Eddie that if he loves her then he’ll tell her everything, or else they’ll break up.

And then after everything, Cisco and Caitlin show up to Barry’s lab, where he tells them about his suspicions of Harrison Wells as the Reverse Flash. Caitlin doesn’t believe it, but Cisco says he’s been having dreams of Wells being the Reverse Flash, and killing him.

Next week on ‘The Flash’