Barry accidentally traveled back in time on The Flash, and his actions were probably not the best he could’ve taken…


So, Barry is stuck back in time a couple of days before he saved the city from the tsunami, and he naturally goes to the morgue again where the first scene of the crime was.

Something we didn’t see before last week: Cisco doesn’t want to go to his brother’s birthday party but Caitlin is trying to convince him to go. They go to the lab where Barry tells them about Mark and the weather wizard situation, and Wells figures out that Barry has somehow disrupted the time continuum. He instructs Barry that he needs to do literally everything the same way because any sort of deviation could destroy everything, but Barry doesn’t take his advice.

Instead Barry goes to stop Mark and trap him in the prison they have built at Star Labs, completely ruining the timeline. Wells is extremely upset and tells him that whatever tragedy he tried to stop by stopping Mark will be replaced by another to make up for it, and it will also be much worse.

Prank Kisses

Captain Cold and Heatwave are back in Central City, and they manage to take out the local mafia by attacking them and killing their leader. Uh-oh! Looks like they’re after a local casino.

At the lab, Barry is trying to run fast enough to get back to his normal time/recreate the time jump but nothing happens, and it’s very upsetting. Then Linda calls, since they never broke up, and Barry runs off to go on their lunch date. He shows up to the news office and Linda definitely thinks something is up with Barry, so she asks what’s wrong but then Barry tells her he’s not really into the relationship and then they DO break up.

While Iris is getting her debrief from her partner, Barry interrupts and tells her he wants to get coffee and talk about stuff, you know, stuff that’s just like rollin’ around in “there.” Iris agrees, and then before Barry leaves he tells her partner at the paper that Wells had nothing to do with Staggs’ disappearance.

Cisco does end up going to his brother’s birthday party, accompanied by Caitlin. Dante, Cisco’s brother, is definitely hitting on Caitlin and not meshing well with Cisco, which causes him to leave the party. Cisco then meets up with Barry at a bar where a girl hits on him, offering him a drink. Barry leaves Cisco and the new girl alone and they get talking about what they do, small talkin’, and then she goes and kisses him on the lips. She takes him back to her place where she reveals she’s Snart’s sister and Snart arrived demanding Cisco make weapons for him. His leverage? He has Dante tied up. Cisco is forced to fix a few of Snart’s toys, because if he doesn’t then, well, Dante dies.

No Kisses for Barry

Barry and Iris are on the coffee date/outing and Barry, stupidly, lays out all his feelings on the table for Iris. Again. However, because what happened last week didn’t happen today Iris is confused and tells Barry to stop, and leaves telling Barry it isn’t fair he keeps making her the bad guy.

Joe calls Barry to let him know Snart is back in town and at the casino, where he, Heatwave and his sister, Lisa, are all equipped with guns and causing havoc. Barry shows up to stop them but when Snart reveals he has Cisco in his custody it makes Barry stop fighting, which then allows Snart and his team to walk away. Joe shows up to the casino after the fact to see what’s up, and while he’s there Eddie shows up and punches Barry in the face for telling Iris what he did. Nothing is going right for Barry today!

At the lab Barry is getting over what’s happening to him and he vents to Wells about everything that should have happened (not including Wells’ reveal, of course). Wells explains that this is only the beginning, and if Barry had traveled back even farther then he would’ve caused even more Havoc. Barry thinks that he will have an opportunity soon to at least travel back in time and save his mother, but Wells says that he doesn’t think Barry should do that at all.

Who is the Flash?

In Snart’s custody, Cisco and Dante talk with each other in Spanish to avoid being understood by Heatwave and bond in an overly cheesy discussion about how they’re jealous of each other. This leads to Dante trying to save the day and attack Heatwave, but it doesn’t work — it only gets Snart and his sister’s attention. Snart then asks Cisco who the Flash really is and Cisco doesn’t answer, but then Snart freezes Dante’s fingers and tells him that unless he tells him who the Flash is then his brother will likely lose his fingers and/or die.

Cisco shows up at the labs and tells Barry, Wells and Caitlin about what Snart did that allowed him to leave. It turns out that he did tell Snart who the Flash really was, and he apologizes to Barry even though Barry says that it was him who put Cisco in that position. Despite that, Cisco thinks he doesn’t deserve to be at the labs anymore and leaves to pack.

While packing, Wells decides to show Cisco something: the containment field. Wells asks Cisco to why he thinks he brought him here, and Cisco says it’s because they were all trying to protect each other the night that they tried to catch the Reverse Flash. Wells says that they all love each other at the lab, and he wants Cisco to stay.

Joe visits Iris at the news room and asks her who she really loves, to which she responds she loves Eddie. Joe tells her she needs to prove it to both of them, because neither of them believe it.

Wells Kills Again

Barry learns that Snart and his friends weren’t after the casino: They were after the money that they knew would be on it’s way out of the casino once they attacked it. They go to attack the truck carrying the money and Barry shows up, whisks Snart away into the woods and says they need to talk. They do talk, and Barry convinces him, somehow to stop killing people if all he’s after is the chase and the adrenaline of the game. Snart then says Barry’s identity is safe for now, and Barry leaves. …what?

Barry shows up at a cafe where Caitlin is talking to Eddie and Iris, and she explains that she told Iris and Eddie that he had a side-effect from being hit by lightning, and that’s why he’s being emotionally unstable and weird. They end up forgiving him, and all is well in their world.

At the newspaper, Reverse Flash visits Iris’s partner and kills him, removing all the information about Wells from the computers and cleaning up after himself.

The Final Reveal

At his own lab, Barry meets up with Joe to tell him he thinks he’s right: He thinks Wells is definitely lying.

Next week on ‘The Flash’