Ships this week are lead by Marbekah, WestAllen, Olicity, and more. Every week, ships, A.K.A. relationships, are highlighted on our favorite TV shows. Which were your favorite partners and pairings this week?

Did your favorite ship sail this week, did a new one launch, or did yours sadly sink? If you love shipping, you know the drama that shipping wars bring. Your ships don’t have to be canon for you to love them, and that’s half the fun.

Remember, if we didn’t include your favorite, give a suggestion to the writer who usually covers your fandom in the recap discussion or in the comments below.

‘Girls’ – All Aboard Adam & Mimi-Rose

Passengers: Adam and Mimi-Rose

Sunset Cruise: Adam and Mimi Rose are over, huzzah! After Jessa and Ace crash their home for dinner, Mimi Rose confesses that she may not be into Adam, may not be over Ace, and wants to take some time for herself.

Ship Status: Kaboom! This one is sunk big time as Adam paddles to shore. Let’s hope he doesn’t get caught up in the debris field as he makes his way back to dry land.

Via: Tumblr

‘Looking’ – All Aboard Eddie & Agustin

Passengers: Eddie and Agustîn

Sunset Cruise: Agustin has not beat around the bush when it comes to how he feels about Eddie, but their friends with benefits relationship is turning out to not be be enough for either of them. Finally, Eddie catches up to Agustin and they begin their official relationship!

Ship Status: Wow, last week their brother ship Patrick and Kevin fully launched, and now they are out there too. Man, is the harbor getting crowded, or is it just me?

Via: Tumblr

‘Once Upon A Time’ – All Aboard Rumbelle

Passengers: Rumple and Belle

Sunset Cruise: Rumpelstiltskin has not only crossed the line, he’s been hanging out on the other side of it for quite some time when it comes to Belle. After going undercover and posing as Hook to get his dagger back, does he really believe that it will get him back into Belle’s good graces in the future?

Ship Status: Man the lifeboats, batten down the hatches, stow the mizen mast (we have no idea what a mizen mast is, but it sounded good) because we are sailing into a full-blown hurricane of potential destruction. The only questions is how many ships will be sucked in, and go down in this storm. Snowing, CaptainSwan, ScarlettBeauty, and OutlawQueen are in serious danger of losing a shipmate.

Via: Tumblr

On page 2: ‘The Originals,’ ‘The Flash,’ and ‘iZombie’

‘The Originals’ – All Aboard Marbekah

Passengers: Marcel Gerard and Rebekah Mikaelson

Sunset Cruise: Rebekah may not be in her own body at the moment, and she might be enforcing the distance between her and Marcel because of it, but it’s definitely giving them a chance to bond. Their love has been off and on, but right now, the physical distance is giving them a chance to emotionally grow more than ever before.

Ship Status: This one has us feeling all warm and fuzzy, can we drop anchor to have a beach bonfire? A lot can happen when things are given time.

Via: Tumblr

‘The Flash’ – All Aboard WestAllen

Passengers: Barry Allen and Iris West

Sunset Cruise: Right before a tidal wave is set to crash into Central City, Iris is forced to confront her feelings for Barry, ones she’s been denying since he confessed his feelings for her. She does love him, and the two kiss. Barry then proceeds reveals his secret identity to her.

Ship Status: Things were going so well despite the tidal wave (which amazingly for this post is not a metaphor). Alas, all this shipper goodness this was most likely erased by Barry’s inadvertent time travel moments later. It’s like all the passengers got seasick and forgot who they were.

Via: Tumblr

‘iZombie’ – All Aboard Liv & Peyton

Passengers: Liv Moore and Peyton Charles

Sunset Cruise: Liv and Peyton have a broken relationship that shows potential of past awesomeness. While the line “You’re my freakin’ heart” can be interpreted both ways, it’s apparent that both girls still have strong feelings for each other.

Ship Status: At the moment, we are sailing on the U.S.S. Cautiously Optimistic. We can only hope that Tuesday’s upcoming episode “Brother, Can You Spare a Brain?” will continue the good vibes Liv gave Peyton at the Halloween haunted house when “dressed up” as a zombie.

Via: Tumblr

On page 3: ‘Grey’s Anatomy,’ and ‘Arrow’

‘Grey’s Anatomy’ – All Aboard MerDer

Passengers: Meredith and Derek

Sunset Cruise: The phone call to Derek that was answered by another woman was an honest mistake, right? Well, Derek showing up in Seattle after the incident in a hurry to explain does not bode well for the long distance couple.

Ship Status: Can we say sailing on the U.S.S. WTF Are You Doing! Seriously, we don’t need other ships to torpedo this one. One of the passengers is doing a fine job sabotaging it all by himself.

Via: Tumblr

‘Arrow’ – All Aboard Olicity

Passengers: Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak

Sunset Cruise: It takes a big man to admit when he is wrong, and an even bigger man to say thank you. As Oliver says “You know me. I don’t dance. But I do occasionally say… thank you.” followed by, “And you were right.” I mean the dancing would have been nice, but you can’t have everything.

Ship Status: Well, can we say making repairs to the hull? These two may not have exactly left port, but cruises have been launched on less than this. It’s a start. One things for sure, these two haven’t lost their snarky chemistry.

Via: Tumblr

Which ship was your favorite this week?