The plot has never moved faster in one episode on The Flash, and tonight it moved almost as fast as Barry.

Dream Glasses

Barry, Cisco and Caitlin are reading the headline in the paper that Wells has in his secret room, and they’re tripping out — especially since Iris’s name was on the byline and her named was West-Allen. They start asking Wells’ artificial intelligence questions about why he’s there and what he’s doing and he informs her. They find out Wells wants to kill Barry, he killed Nora because he was mad that Barry escaped, and he created the artificial intelligence, so it will do anything he says.

They go back to his place where they tell Joe and Eddie about the time vault, and Barry tells everyone that he already time-traveled and Cisco’s dreams could be memories from the alternate timeline. He also says he has a really bad idea. He wants to access Cisco’s memories and get Wells to confess to killing his mom.

So Caitlin comes up with an idea to use glasses that would allow the dreamer to see his dream and Wells comes in to help them come up with a way to communicate with the dreamer, unaware he’s helping them trap him.


Cisco falls asleep with the glasses on, and starts dreaming about the alternate timeline he didn’t experience. He can hear Barry and Caitlin and Joe talk to him, and he explains that he’s in the labs. He’s running tests on the containment system and there’s no reason the man in yellow should’ve escaped — and he sees that it was just a hologram in there, then he sees Wells. When Wells’ hand starts vibrating Cisco’s brain starts going crazy and he almost has a stroke before Caitlin is able to wake him up.

Wells calls, asking where Barry is and tells him there’s a fire in the building there the Captain’s fiancé works, so he goes to help. He uses his arms to create an air vacuum and puts out the fire, with Wells’ help. Afterwards, Wells starts giving Barry a pep talk.

In a flashback, Joe remembers the night that Barry got hit by lightning. Barry was at the hospital, coding and seizing when Wells shows up and tells Joe he’s like to take Barry to his labs to help him.

At home, Joe tells Barry that he should’ve never let Wells take Barry that night, but Barry says it wasn’t his fault. Now Joe wants to make sure nothing happens when they lure Wells in with their trap: Having Cisco tinker with the containment field to get Wells to confess again.

Caitlin tells Wells that Cisco is in the bunker because he thinks he knows what went wrong when they tried to catch the Reverse Flash and Wells shows up in the bunker standing, confronting him. Cisco steps into the containment field that he rigged to work against Wells to keep him out, but when Wells steps into it and almost murders him (avoiding the confession that he killed Nora) Joe comes out and shoots him. Barry tried to stop the bullets since Wells never confessed but because he’s not allowed in the containment field he misses one and it kills Wells.

Only, it wasn’t wells. It was Hannibal Bates, the man who can transform into anyone. It’s then that Wells comes on the intercom and tells them that he was one step ahead the whole time and he will meet Barry again soon. Cisco says that he’s in the time vault, but when Barry shows up he doesn’t find Wells. Instead he finds a bunch of screens showing every single one of them in different scenes all season long: Wells was playing them the ENTIRE time and knew they knew everything.


Eddie asks Joe for coffee, and he wants to propose to Iris and would like his blessing, to which Joe says no. Eddie goes to tell Barry about it, and he wants Barry to ask Joe why he said no to his blessing.

Barry goes to ask Joe why he said no to Eddie and Joe explains that he knows Iris will get caught up in the moment and say yes, and she will be married to the wrong guy. He knows that Iris has feelings for Barry, and that she would be unhappy if she married Eddie.

Later, Iris asks to meet with Barry and tells him she’s gone through a ton of information about the explosion and she thinks that the people with powers originated from it. Barry says all of that is interesting, but there’s a whole in her theory: He was affected by it but he doesn’t have any powers. He says he’ll read over the files she gave him and they’ll talk it over later, and Iris gets disappointed when he leaves. She also flashes back to the moment Barry was unconscious at Star Labs and she says she needs him.

In present day, Barry starts freaking out that Wells knew everything about everyone and goes to check on Iris, who’s taking a walk with Eddie over a bridge. Eddie is about to propose when the Reverse Flash steals him away, and Barry shows up just a little too late. He tells Iris (in disguise) that he will bring Eddie back, and when he leaves Iris recognizes him as Barry.

Wells takes Eddie to a warehouse and tells him his real name, says they’re family. And Eddie thinks this whole thing has been about him, but Wells says he was just his insurance.

Next week on ‘The Flash’