On the latest episode of The Flash, a shapeshifter causes havoc in Central City while Joe and Cisco go to investigate Harrison Wells in Starling City.

A Visit to Starling City

Joe, Caitlin, Barry, Cisco and Eddie meet up at Joe’s house to discuss Wells. Joe says he and Cisco are going to go to Starling City to get help investigating Wells. Cisco asks Caitlin to cover for him while he’s gone, and she doesn’t feel comfortable about it at all. It’s taking her longer to adjust to this whole “against Wells” idea.

Joe and Cisco show up to Starling City and Captain Lance tells them about the night Wells’ fiance died. Laurel shows up and recognizes Cisco from the lab and asks to talk to him privately. She reveals she knows everything about everything and then asks for his help with her sister’s sonic device that she’s been using, and Cisco agrees.

Joe, Cisco and Captain Lance show up to the original scene of the crime where Wells’ wife died and start investigating with Cisco’s special equipment. He finds tachyons — little bits of time travel, and Lance’s coffee starts rising out of his cup. They start digging where Cisco’s machine went off and they find a body, asking Lance to keep it under wraps until they can confirm it’s Wells.

They head home, but not before Cisco gives Laurel a new and improved sonic device. And in return, Laurel gives him a photo of he and she together, while she’s dressed as the Black Canary.

Hands Off the Metahuman

As for the case of the episode, it starts with this one woman stealing a bunch of jewelry from safe deposit boxes. Eddie interrogates her and she says she didn’t do it, and all her neighbors and friends say she would never do it so they decide to look into the possibility of it being a superhuman.

Later on a man goes to a jeweler to try and sell stolen jewelry but the jeweler calls the police and Eddie shows up to the scene to stop him, only he doesn’t really get far with him before the guy takes Eddie out and tries to run away. Barry shows up as the Flash and tells the thief he can’t run but the guy responds and says “I don’t have to,” touching a girl’s arm next to him and then transforming into that girl. He shape-shifts! He runs around the corner and then Barry is unable to find him.

Barry shows up to the lab to explain this to Caitlin and Wells and they tell him that he needs to be careful — if this shapeshifter touches Barry then not only does he run the risk of exposing Barry as the Flash but he might also be able to copy Barry’s speed. They track down the first person who the shapeshifter copies to go and talk to him to see what he knows.

Eddie Thawne: Cop Killer

Wells goes back home, gets up from his wheelchair to enjoy some brandy and then Caitlin shows up at the door, ringing the bell to talk to him. Before he can get to the door, though, Barry whisks her away from the scene. She’s upset that everyone is lying and wants to talk to him but Barry says she can’t — he asks that she just wait until Joe and Cisco get back, and she agrees.

Eddie and Barry show up to the original guys’ house, Hannibal Bates, and they ask his grandmother if she’s seen him recently. Well, turns out the grandmother was Bates and he runs off in the form of some girl, so Barry and Eddie chase after him. Unfortunately for Eddie the shapeshifter transforms into him and shoots two cops, and runs away. All of which is caught on the police car’s dash cam.

Because it was caught on camera the captain at Central City needs to put him away, but Barry is determined to fix it. While meeting with Eddie in the conference room Barry whisks Eddie away and tells him to run but Eddie doesn’t want to run and asks him to put him back, so he does. Barry goes back home to shower and change so he can keep working on how to get Eddie out, but then Eddie shows up at his place. For some stupid reason Barry doesn’t realize this is the shapeshifter, lets him in, and then gets knocked out. Then the shapeshifter copies Barry and we’re all screwed.

Shapeshifting Forever

Caitlin shows up to Barry’s and talks to the shapeshifter about how she thinks she can make it so the shapeshifter can revert to his original form and not control his powers, so they head to the lab. The shapeshifter Barry is all weird and Caitlin doesn’t notice until he kisses her, at which point she still doesn’t realize it’s not Barry. It’s not until after Iris shows up and talks about how she’s been investigating this case too that Wells comes in and tases Barry, revealing to everyone that the shapeshifter was left handed and Barry is right.

Iris insists on taking the shapeshifter guy in to the police station, so Caitlin offers to help. They put him in the back of their car and drive but in the middle of the drive there the shapeshifter turns into a little girl and screams for help. Construction workers go to let her out of the car and then she runs and gets away.

Caitlin shows up to Barry’s house to let him out, and they go to take care of the shapeshifter. Caitlin’s remedy for his shapeshifting is done and Barry heads to the airport to catch him. They duke it out, in an epic shapeshifting fight but in the end Barry is able to stick him with the formula and stop him.

Future Revealed

Barry takes the footage from the airport and shows it to the captain of the police force, who has no choice but to let Eddie go knowing that shapeshifters exist.

Barry takes Caitlin to his lab and shows her the body that Joe and Cisco found in the woods, proving that the dead body is Harrison Wells and whoever they’ve been working with is most definitely not.

Afterwards, Cisco runs a test to see if anything was in the building the night of the explosion that Wells might’ve used to cause it, and they discover Wells’ hidden room: The one with his reverse flash suit! And they also discover the headline from the future. DUN DUN DUN!

Next week on ‘The Flash’