The Divergent Games mash-up trailer proves that popular YA series The Maze Runner, The Hunger Games and Divergent have a heck of a lot in common.

Fandango has created a mash-up trailer for the Twilight, Hunger Games, Divergent, Maze Runner, Ender’s Game and Mortal Instruments series, which shows the teams banding together to defeat the “ambiguously oppressive governments” that threaten them all:

“In a world with ambiguously oppressive governments, in a vaguely distant future full of strange love triangles, a team will form,” the trailer claims, in a sentence which could be applied to literally any of the franchises involved.

There’s a chosen one, evil adults, explosions and some kind of special ability — and, of course, love triangles. Jacob makes the move on Katniss while Four threatens Edward; Tris teams up with Ender while Clary and Thomas turn their heads around very fast.

The villain team is pretty impressive though — this is where all these movies get their star power, isn’t it?

Related: Star Wars vs Star Trek: Watch an awesome mash-up trailer

Despite the fact that the book series clearly stand on their own, we can’t deny that there are certain obvious similarities between the movies. It seems there’s a YA adaptation formula which includes Lost-style eye opening close-ups, futuristic cities, looking at characters through some kind of glass surface, and the color blue.

Just wait, if the movie studios get desperate enough, The Divergent Games could be the new Avengers. Lionsgate’s very own cinematic universe.