The Dark Knight Rises just had its first critic and press screening – resulting in a standing ovation.

According to tweets from various attendees of the first Dark Knight Rises screening, a standing ovation was in order as the credits rolled. Some viewers cried, most applauded and some shook hands with the production team. Overall it looks like it was a huge hit with the 40 to 50 critics that were lucky enough to be at the early screening.


“As far as audience reaction, there were only 40-50 ppl in attendance (mostly critics), but there was applause and I leaned over and shook Michael Uslan’s hand and congratulated him when his name appeared in the credits. I, myself, cried twice…once out of sadness and once out of pure geeky uncontrollable happiness.”

Critic Tom MacAuliffe on the film:

“The trilogy is greater than the sum of its parts, and for me the 3rd was the very best part of the whole story. Dark knight is a classic in its own right – it stands alone, but in this trilogy, and as a closer, this film exceeds. It’s an ending that presents opportunity for thought for sure. Risky/tough story well told, brilliantly acted, great cinematography, awesome score.”

It appears as though director Christopher Nolan managed to stick the landing on his Batman finale. After seeing this 13 minute behind-the-scenes featurette, we’re looking forward to seeing The Dark Knight Rises even more when it hits theaters on July 20.

UPDATE: There may be SPOILERS in the comments below.