In recent weeks we’ve heard about two new shows based on the classic fairytale Beauty and the Beast.

Today, The CW is explaining their show and how it’s unlike ABC’s version.

From Entertainment Weekly:

..based on CBS’ Beauty and the Beast series from the 1980s, a romantic love story with a procedural twist. “ABC’s is definitely more in the fantasy fairy tale space. Ours is a more a contemporary grounded version. The beast in this case, he does have some beast-like qualities, but he doesn’t look like a beast 24/7. He ‘beasts out,’ as we say. It’s more about a young woman’s search for love in today’s society. Here’s a manly man who can quote poetry and kick ass at the same time, but he’s got this one little problem. She’s a cop, he’ll be helping from the shadows.” If ABC greenlights their version first, will The CW still go forward? “Maybe there will be a high-stakes game of chicken.”

When they say he “beasts out” we can’t help but think of The Hulk. It’d also be a bit odd for two Beauty and the Beast-inspired shows to be running on air at the same time. Nonetheless, we’re eager to see these interpretations.